Prophet Muhammed was from the Americas is a necessary post to demonstrate that Maurs/ Mu’urs and Islam are indigenous to the Americas since people want to make Islam, via, the double O European Moors, as the invaders, when we know that the Dum Diversas (papal bull) of 1452 authorized Christians to take possession of Saracens (Moslem Maurs) and pagans (Hebrews) and subject them to perpetual servitude:

Prophet Muhammed stopped at Coba (Koba/ Kaba) to Pray:
Prophet Muhammed stopped at Coba (Koba/ Kaba) in Mexico to Pray. Coba is an ancient Maya city on the Yucatán Peninsula, located in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Coba is etymologically the same as Koba, Cuba, and Kaba (Kaaba). Prophet Muhammed of the Holy Quran stopped at Koba (Coba) or the Kaba (Kaaba) before he reached Medina to pray at a Koba mosque called Al Takwa in Mexico.
“Before he [Muhammed] entered that city, he thought proper to stop at Koba, a village about two miles north-west of Medina. Here he laid the foundation of a mosque and called it Al Takwa.” SOURCE: An Universal History: From the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time, Part 2, Volume 1; 1780. [End quote].
Coba in Mexico is the Koba that Prophet Muhammed visited on his trip to Medina. Now, let me prove this as factual with evidence. Coba or Kaba (Kaba) is a sacred or Holy place that is the Holy cube of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. We know that Mexico was Southern Arabia, which means that Mexico is also Southern Saudi Arabia:
We also know that Mexico has a Medina, Mexico, so this Coba in Mexico is a good candidate for the original Koba that Prophet Muhammed visited on his way to Medina. We also know that there was a Naga-Maya cite in Guatemala called the Kabah. Kabah is etymologically and phonetically the same as Coba, Cuba, Koba, Kaba, and Kaaba.
Guatemala was the Mecca or Wakanda of the Maurs (High priests of Anu) of Mexico. I say this because Guatemala is in the Yucatan and Guatemala has over 1000 pyramids found their recently, which suggests that Guatemala was a central hub or a very important place once called Waka El Peru, aka, Wakanda In addition, we have the Kabah (Kaaba), which is a Naga-Maya site, in the Yucatan that looks much older than anything in present-day Mecca in Saudi Arabia (see post image of the Kabah). Kabah (also spelled Kabaah, Kabáh, Kahbah and Kaba) is a Maya archaeological site in the Puuc region of western Yucatan, south of Mérida:
Additionally, Coba is near Waka El Peru in Guatemala, Mexico, which suggests that Coba or Kaba was the original sacred or Holy city (Mecca) of the Maurs (Moslems) since it is near Waka El Peru. Waka is sort for Wakanda, and it means sacred or Holy, but the meaning goes a lot deeper. Wakanda is the Native American Creator god and it means Spirit waters or Holy waters. Waka or Wakan also means inner magical powers. This is the definition of Waka/ Wakan according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “wakan, also called Wakonda, or Wakanda, among various American Indian groups, a great spiritual power of supernatural origin belonging to some natural objects.” [End quote from: ].
El Perú (also known as Waka’), is a pre-Columbian Maya archeological site occupied during the Preclassic and Classic cultural chronology periods (roughly 500 BC to 800 AD). The site was the capital of a Maya city-state and is located near the banks of the San Pedro River in the Department of Petén of northern Guatemala. El Perú is 60 km (37 mi) west of Tikal.
Coba or Koba Mexico has a Mayan Temple (step pyramid) called Al Takwa, which translates as Al Taqwa in Arabic since the letters K and Q are like vowels and are interchangeable. This means that the letter K in Al Takwa can be substituted with the letter Q to create Al Taqwa. Al Taqwa (Arabic: تقوى taqwā / taqwá) is an Islamic term for being conscious and cognizant of God, of truth, “piety, fear of God.”[1][2] It is often found in the Quran. Those who practice taqwa — in the words of Ibn Abbas, “believers who avoid Shirk with Allah and who work in His obedience”[3] — are called muttaqin (Arabic: لْ المُتَّقِين al-muttaqin). The word “Taqwã” is derived from the verb waqã, which literally means to preserve, protect, safeguard, shield, etc. The Arabic word taqwa means “forbearance, fear and abstinence.”[4] [End quote from: ].
Now, that we know that Al Taqwa is derived from the verb Waqa/ Waka (Wakanda), we know that it was a sacred or Holy City, which explains why Prophet Muhammed stopped in Coba/ Koba on his way to Medina, Mexico. Mexico has three other Medina place names to choose from. Honduras, which is also near Mexico, has 4 Medina place names to choose from, so based upon the sheer number of Medina place names in the Americas, Prophet Muhammed was from the Americas. Yes, the events of the Bible and the Holy Quran happened in the Americas because America is the Orient (the East) and the True Old World.
In this post is a documentary from YouTube by writer and historian, Dan Gibson, “The Mecca Mystery: Are Muslims Praying in the Wrong Direction?” In this startling and original documentary, Dan Gibson, shows that descriptions of Mohamed’s original holy city – as detailed in the Qur’an and Islamic histories, do not match that of the Mecca we know today. If true, this could shake Islam to its roots because every Muslim is required to pray towards the ‘forbidden gathering place’. If Dan Gibson is right, Muslims are praying in the wrong direction:
The four Kaaba’s discussed in the post certainly suggests that Muslims are praying in the wrong direction since the Americas is the Far East, the Orient, and/ or the Middle East (see post image of the original compass). In this post is an image of the original compass before the authorities flipped it to deceive the world. The West was the East, and the East was the West, according to the original compass.
The Four Kaaba’s:
The four Kaaba’s in the Americas should settle any doubt as to the true origan of the birthplace of Islam since the Kaaba is the sacred or Holy site (Waka) of the Moslems. Let’s start first with the Lower Kaaba in Mecca, Illinois:
Now, let’s discuss the Central or Middle Kaaba, which is obviously Cuba, since I gave you all a hint at this earlier:
Next, is the Upper Kaaba, which was a Naga-Maya site in the Yucatan near Guatemala (see post image of the Kabah):
The Upper Kaaba in Guatemala (Waka El Peru or Wakanda) is the superior or original Kaaba since it gave birth to Cuba (Kaba), and the Kaaba in Mecca, Illinois. All of this evidence suggests that Islam comes from the Americas since the American sites are much older than the counterpart version in Saudi Arabia.
The Celestial Kaaba and the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden:
The fourth and last Kaaba I want to discuss was talked about in volume I and Volume II of my book series, “America is the True Old World,” and it was once a celestial paradise (heaven on earth) that is now extinct since the Arctic North pole is now ice. In this post is the 1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Mount Meru. As you can see, someone listed Eden and Meru right there on the 1595 Mercator Map, but why? Well…, because the KJV Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see four rivers and the Black cube (the Kaaba or the tree of life) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden or the Kaaba:
Notice in the above link and in the post image how the said land mass looks just like the swastika. What is the Swastika? Well, the Swastika is the Big Dipper and the clockwise rotation of the four major constellations (cardinal points) around the Pole Star or North Star, which creates the vortex of electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains all life/ light on this planet.
The Superior Medina was in North and Central America:
There are 13 places in North America with the name Medina. Now if we include all of the Medina place names in the Americas, in places like Mexico, Central America, and South America, we don’t even have a contest anymore: According to the geotarget link, the highest concentration of Medina place names is in the Americas by far.
The interesting thing about Medina (Madonna: Mother Bee) is that Medina is the city of Prophet Muhammed. Islamic scholars agree that Prophet Muhammed lived in Medina for the next six years, building the first Muslim community and gradually gathering more and more people to his side. However, some Islamic scholars say that Prophet Muhammed was born in Medina. I believe he was born in Medina since it is symbolic of him being a son of God since he was also born from the Virgin Mother Bee, aka, the Virgin Mother Mary/ Maya/ Meru, aka, the mother of God, whose name was Ma-donna, Ma-Dinah (Medina), Ma-Dianna, etc. Mother Mary was a Maur:
Other names of this Mother Bee Goddess, aka, Polaris, or the North Star, was the Queen of Heaven. She was also known as the Creek (Greek) Virgin Goddess Columbia, which is also the Statue of Liberty, Isis, Venus, Allat, Ishtar, etc. The Mother Bee Goddess Dianna or Ma-dianna=Madonna was worshipped globally, and she predates any man-made religion:
Based upon all of the foregoing facts and the authorities cited herein, the Mecca in Saudi Arabia is not the original Mecca since the Far East, and/or the Middle East (the Orient) is in the Americas. The original Kaaba and the home of prophet Muhammed was in the Americas.
The post Prophet Muhammed was from the Americas appeared first on America is the Old World.