“Ancient China, The Land of the Orient,” is a necessary post to prove that America is the true old world, since China is in the Orient (the East or far East) and is part of Asia Major. Scholars associate the East or the Orient with the old world, therefore, this post if true will be a means of rewriting history to get the story right.
Ancient China was the land of the Orient, due to its location in East Asia and its Eastern Culture. The term “Orient” is a term that means “the East, far East, and/ or Middle East,” as I have already proven in my previous blog post, “Ancient Turkey was in South Carolina”: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-turkey-was-in-south-carolina/. This blog post demonstrates that the Americas is the Orient, aka, the East, the far East, and/ or Middle East.
Now, that we know that the Americas is the Orient, the East, ancient China has to be somewhere in the Americas, but where? Well, in this post is several old-world maps from the 1500’s that demonstrate that North America was once called Asia, the Orient, and/ or India Superior. Some of these old-world maps list certain regions of North America as La China (the China), Cathay (China), Tebet (Tibet), Mangi (Southern China), Tangut, etc. Let’s start with the maps of Cathay, since Cathay is the poetic form of China and was the name for ancient China in medieval times.
Ancient China was called Cathay in medieval times and is considered to be the poetic name for China. “Cathay (/kæˈθeɪ/; Chinese: 契丹) is an alternative European historical name for China. During the early modern period, Europeans thought of Cathay as a completely separate and distinct culture from China. As knowledge of East Asia increased, Cathay came to be seen as the same polity as China. The term “Cathay” became a poetic name for China.
The name Cathay originates from the word Khitan,[1] a nomadic people who ruled the Liao dynasty in northern China from 916 to 1125, and who later migrated west after they were overthrown by the Jin dynasty to form the Qara Khitai (Western Liao) for another century thereafter. Originally, this name was the name applied by Central and Western Asians and Europeans to northern China; the name was also used in Marco Polo‘s book on his travels in China (he referred to southern China as Mangi). Odoric of Pordenone (d.1331) also writes about Cathay and the Khan in his travel books from his journey before 1330, perhaps 1321–1330.
The term Cathay came from the name for the Khitans. A form of the name Cathai is attested in a Uyghur Manichaean document circa 1000.[2] The Khitans refer to themselves as Qidan, but in the language of the ancient Uyghurs the final -n or -ń became -y, and this form may be the source of the name Khitai for later Muslim writers.[3] This version of the name was then introduced to medieval and early modern Europe via Muslim and Russian sources.[4]
The Khitans were known to Muslim Central Asia: in 1026, the Ghaznavid court (in Ghazna, in today’s Afghanistan) was visited by envoys from the Liao ruler, he was described as a “Qatā Khan”, i.e. the ruler of Qatā; Qatā or Qitā appears in writings of al-Biruni and Abu Said Gardezi in the following decades.” [End quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathay.]
Well, Wikipedia, lets us know that the Kara Kitai (Kara Khitans) were Chinese Moslems that established the term Cathay (ancient China). The Kara Kitai were also known as the Tribes of Prester John, since they were allies in war with Prester John and helped Prester John defeat the Persians in the mid 1100’s, according to the book, “Prester John: The Legend and its Sources,” and this YouTube video by Khandrop at 423 the drop radio, entitled, “Prester John #72, Deliverer called China, Romance of Persifal and the Golden Fruit”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPh7h3S1qI4. This video is embedded in this blog post for your viewing convenience. Khandrop shows several maps from the early 1500’s that demonstrate that the Americas is the Orient (the East) and ancient China. In this post, is some of those old-world maps from the video.
Let’s start first with a map from the year 1500, entitled, “Erroneous Map of America & the way to China (as men believed it to be) shown to Henry VII in 1500.” Please avoid the hijack since this map is not an erroneous map since its other maps from the same time period that authenticates it, as you will see later as you read on. This map was labeled as an error, as a throw off, to hide the fact that North America is actually the Orient: the home of ancient China, Tibet, India Superior, Japan, and etc.
Now, referring to the said map, you will see Cathay (ancient China) in big letters under the image of the Grand Khan of China. This map also shows you the great Isle of Cipangu, aka, Japan, located in what we would call the Gulf of Mexico today. Cipangu or Zipangu are different names for Japan. This Oriental Japan (Zipangu) that we had in North America is not to be confused with the Japan in the so-called far East, since our Japan was Zipangu, “The land of Gold.” Please learn more about the legend of Zipangu by reading this link: https://web-japan.org/nipponia/nipponia45/en/feature/feature01.html. This link has other maps of Zipangu located in North America in the same area of the Gulf of Mexico, so best believe it’s nothing erroneous about the 1500 map of America & the way to China (as men believed it to be) that was mentioned above and shared in this post.
Now, let’s please review the 1508 Ruysch, Johannes Map of the World from the Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/maps/?fa=contributor%3Aruysch%2C+johannes&all=true, since this old-world map shows you Cathay (ancient China), Tebet (Tibet), Mangi (Southern China), and Tangut (China: Western Xi Empire), in North America. In this post is an image of the said map. This map is 1 of 4 maps that you will see in this post that are similar.
“In this post is 3 other old-world maps from the early 1500’s that list North America as Cathay/ Catay (ancient China), India Superior, Mangi (Southern China), and Tangut!” I am putting emphasis on this point, because in law the interlocking testimony of two or more witnesses is truth in commerce. Interlocking is when the witnesses say the same thing. Well, in this instance, the maps referred to in this post show the same evidence; therefore, the maps interlock.
More evidence that the West is the Orient (East) is the 1548 Spanish World map that I have been sharing a lot recently, which has been a subject of a lot of debate, because this map shows you India superior, La China (the China), Catayo/ Cathay (China), Tangut (China/ Tibet), and Mangi (Southern China) being in North America. This is very significance because this map proves that the West is the Orient (the East). Scholars associated Egypt with being in the Orient, so this is a major find. This 1548 Spanish World map is also inside of the pages of a book called, “The Journey of Coronado.”
In this post is the book cover for the book entitled, “The Journey of Coronado.” This book displays the 1569 Mercator world map which shows India Superior being in North America. We associate India with being in Asia Major and as a part of the Orient in the far East. This is evidence that the Americas is the old world, because the Americas is the Orient. This said book has an even older world map inside of it called the 1548 Spanish world map, which shows you India superior, La China (the China), Cathay (China), Tangut (China/ Tibet), and Mangi (Southern China) being in North America.
Also, in this post is an image of the Original compass before it was flipped around in the early 1900’s by the powers that be to deceive the world. As you can see, this original compass demonstrates that the East is the West. This image was taken from the Ground Plan of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri. Scholars associate the East with the old world.
Additionally, we can consider this 1530 MS map from the British Museum, which demonstrates that North America is an extension of Asia, since this map shows Asia connected to North America. This said map also shows you that the superior India was in North America, since it shows you India Superior, Cathay (ancient China), Mangi (southern China); and it shows you the territory of Granada land, aka, the promised land, as being under the rulership of the legendry Priest-King, Prester John, who was mentioned by Marco Polo in his travels to Asia, several times. You can read more about Granada land or the promised land by reading my previous blog post called, “Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel”: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/granada-land-is-the-promised-land-of-israel/.
Yes, North America was once Asia, aka, the Orient (East), aka India Superior and Cathay/ Catay (ancient China). In this post is an old-world map by Orontius Finaeus from 1531 showing you North America as Asia. This map also has a Catay (China) in North America. We associate Asia and ancient China as being in the Orient or in the far East. I did a blog post previously, entitled, “The Old World is the New World,” demonstrating that the Americas is Asia Major and the old world: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-old-world-is-the-new-world/.
In addition, we have a totally different map from 1531 by Orontius Fineus from the Library of Congress that also lists North America as Asia: https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3200.ct001393/?r=0.116,0.17,0.217,0.085,0. When you click the link, you can zoom in on the map and see Catay (ancient China), Tangvt (Tangut), Camul, Lop, and the desert of Lop. I have provided closeup images of these said place names for your viewing convenience since these places can be hard to find.
Marco Polo’s travels to Asia (1271–95), immortalized in his Travels of Marco Polo. Marco, his father, and his uncle set out from Venice in 1271 and reached China in 1275. Marco Polo first set out at age 17, with his family, traveling overland along what later became known as the Silk Road. Upon reaching China, Marco Polo entered the court of powerful Mongol ruler Kublai Khan, who dispatched him on trips to help administer the realm. Marco Polo remained abroad for 17 years in Cathay/ Catay (ancient China).
A world map from 1531, by Orontius Fineus, pinpoints some of Marco Polo’s travels in Asia as actually being in North America. This said map lists North America as Asia. No Bearing Strait here, as America is completely connected to Russia and Asia. This is a Pangea type of map, but not like what we were taught in school. This map shows you no great lakes and Antarctica is attached to South America with no icecap formed yet.
In the travels of Marco Polo, it states that a province called Camul is situated in between two deserts, which is exactly where Camul is on the said 1531 map, as you can see by viewing the close-up image that I have provided in this post.
The Travels of Marco Polo also states that near Camul is a city of Lop next to the Desert of Lop. All of which can be located on the said 1531 map, so yes…, this map confirms that Marco Polo visited North America, since Asia was once an extension of North America.
The city that Marco Polo is travelling to along the Silk Road is, “Cathay (China),” which is listed near Louisiana on this said 1531 map. Marco Polo also mentions the wild buffaloes he encountered later in his travels. This can be no coincidence since wild buffaloes are only indigenous to North America. Based upon all of the evidence, the Travels of Marco Polo occurred mostly in North America, which means that the Silk Road is also in the Americas.
Prester John, aka, King David El, (birth unknown – 1202*) was a descendant of the ancient race of those Magi (Balthazar, the Maur: King of Arabia and Africa) who were mentioned in the Gospel, and to rule the same nations as they did, and to have such glory and wealth that he used only an emerald sceptre. Prester John was also the king of the three Indies (the Americas, Euro-Asia, and Africa) and the king of the Orient (the East), aka, the Oriental King.
Some of Prester John’s titles include: Melchizedek of the Bible; the Immortal Priest-King; the Highlander; the Negus; the Vedic Khan (Vatican); the Khan Father; the Grand Khan of China; King of India; Saint John the Baptist; the Knight of the Serpent; the giant slayer; King of the Orient; King Arthur Pen Dragon (King Merovech: founder of the Merovingian Dynasty); the King of kings; King David El (the Biblical line of King David); Emperor Rajendra Chola II of India; Emperor Wong Kong (King Kong/ Khan) of China; Emperor of Abyssinia (Ethiopia); King of the three Indies; the Dragon Emperor; the Dragon King; Prophet Elijah; the Knight king; the Phantom Emperor; King of the Scots; Supreme Grand Master of the Knights Templar; Supreme Grand master of the Rosy Cross; Count Saint Germain; the lord of the rings; Lord of the seen and unseen realms; and etc.
Legend says that Prester John would lead his army of Knights Templar riding a Green Dragon and he had a magical mirror that allowed him to see all of the events around the world; and he had a ring of power (lord of the rings) that could make him invisible and summon demons (good and bad demons) at his will. Over 72 kings were paying prester John royalties/ taxes and Prester John ruled over the cities and kingdoms of Gold that the Moors had in the Americas. Stan Lee wrote the Comic Book Character Doctor Strange based off the Character of Prester John who was also a master Herbalist and a great healer. The Voynich manuscript was written by Prester John using a Indianized Hebrew that is coded.
Prester John was so powerful that Kings like Alexander the Great, Roman Emperors, King Xerxes, and etc., had to come to Prester John to get his approval to become Kings in their own lands. It’s documented that Prester John lived to be over 562 years old with the aid of his fountain of youth, which was real: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/2458539530876999. However, I have even read books and other sources of Prester John being over 1200 years old, which is believable because he had plenty of contact with Kings of the B.C (Before Christ).
Since I mentioned King Arthur above, who was king Arthur? Well…, King Arthur was king Merovech, aka, Prester John, the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/2010958985635058. The Merovingians were known as French Maurs (Moors). The term “Maur” means a High-Priest of Anu.
The Merovingians were also known as the Dragon kings, Christ-Kings, and/ or Holy Grail Kings, because they possessed immense spiritual powers, i.e., the Holy Grail, which is the Priest-King function, aka, supernatural powers. Learn more about the Merovingian’s right here: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/1944022798995344.
A photo of Prester John is in this blog post. Notice that he is wearing Moorish attire and is holding the symbol of the Phoenician Twa (X) in his hand. Also, notice how the photo says Ethiopia, well Ethiopia is the land of Cush, which almost covered the entire world at one point in time. It used to be spelled with an A[Ethiopia], because all continents start with an A and end with an A. Ethiopia is also a synonym for India since Ethiopia and India were often confused by authors in medieval times.
“Ethiopia and India were often confused,” [one and the same] according to the book “The Medieval Empire of the Israelites,” by Robert Grishin. This makes sense when you factor into account that the Swastika [symbol of Brahma/ Abraham], which symbolizes the sacred movement of the spiral, or the vortex of life, was the chief religious’ symbol in Ancient Ethiopia and in India. The Swastika is just a reflection of Mount Meru, aka, the Arctic North Pole.
With regard to the Ethiopians, Strabo indicates that they looked similar to Indians, remarking “those who are in Asia (South India), and those who are in Africa, do not differ from each other.”[10] Turner, Sharon (1834). The Sacred History of the World, as Displayed in the Creation and Subsequent Events to the Deluge: Attempted to be Philosophically Considered, in a Series of Letters to a Son, Volume 2. Longman. pp. 480–482. Retrieved 20 January 2015.
The term Ethiopian in ancient times did not just refer to just a region of people in Ethiopia, Africa. The term Ethiopian applied to anyone with dark or burnt (Black) skin. According to the book, “Lost Tribes and Promised Lands,” by Ronald Sanders, “But Ethiopian served to designate color before it came to be applied to a region; the Greek Aithiops, from which it is derived, literally meant Burnt Face and referred to any person of black complexion, whatever his place of origin. Homer said of the Ethiopians that they live at the ends of the Earth, some near the Sunrise, some near the sunset. In latter antiquity the world tended to become restricted to Black Africans, meaning either any Negro or someone specially from Ethiopia. The Biblical terms Cush and Cushi, which may have been specifically geographical designations from the outset, came to be translated Ethiopia and Ethiopian respectively, and the ambiguity was thereby reinforced.” [end quote]. This quote suggests that all so-called Black people or Negroes are Ethiopians, due to our burnt or Black skin.
Was the Americas once ancient Ethiopia (India)? Yes, it was once Ethiopia, and I found several old-world maps to confirm this fact. Please read my previous blog, “Ethiopia: America is the Tre Old World, Volume II”: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ethiopia-america-is-the-true-old-world-volume-ii-paperback/.
Also, in the photo above, Prester John has “Red” as a suffix added onto his name, because he was ONE OF THE RED ONES, aka, a Redman, and a descendant of Saint Andrew and a true X-man. The Coat of arms of Saint Andrew is represent by the Saracen’s Head (Sarah’s son, the wife of Abraham). This is the link to the Andrews Family Crest, aka, the lost tribe of Israel: http://the-red-thread.net/genealogy/andrews.html. First found in Caithness (Cathy/ Cathar). This family was strongly associated with the Clan Ross/ Rus.
Yes, the Cathars (French Maurs) and the Catholics, both stem from Cathy/ Cathar (Caithness). The Andrews/ Andros/ Ros/ Rus were the original Roman Catholics. The word Catholic (Holy Cat: Sphinx) comes from Cathy which is pertaining to ancient China and the lost Tribe of Israel, aka, the RED ONES/ REDMEN/ RED LAND/ RED FLAG, who are Islamic Jews. Look at that Saracens head on the Andrews Family crest. The Moors called themselves Saracens, because they are “Sons of Saint Sara”, aka, Mary Magdalene, which makes the Moors, Merovingians/ Almoravids.
The Catholics originally had a Universal belief system, well, because as Saracens (Sufi’s/ Moslems) we studied everything. The Cross became a dominant symbol because it is an all-inclusive free Energy symbol with so much meaning and power. The Moors built great cathedrals, in the shape of a cross (the human form/ Solomon’s temple), all over Europe that costs trillions of dollars in today’s age.
The Cathars were into white magic, and they were a group or an order of Magi priests. The Pope wanted world dominion so the papacy decided that only the select few should have the power of the Jedi Knight or the Magi. Therefore, all the Jedi temples (mystery schools) were destroyed, to suppress the true teachings.
Who is a Saracen? Well, Saracens were old Arabs, so they were Muurs/ Maurs/ Moors (Blacks), according to the Andrews link shared above. The Moor’s head was used in ancient times as a family brand or logo to signify that family’s wealth and status. The Andrews family was a powerful medieval Moorish family that ruled Europe and Tartaria (Tartary/ Tartars) and their crest is found in many places. The Andrews family is from Scotland, and they are descendants of Saint Andrews, who was a Saracen, aka, an old Arab. According to Vladimir Dals 1863 Dictionary, “An Arab meant a Black skinned person”: https://bit.ly/3EXqEBD.
Saint Andrews was the first apostle and the brother of Saint Peter. Saint Andrews is also the patron Saint of Scotland (Black land). Saint Andrews was crucified on the Twa (X) and had the same kind of powers and wisdom that Jesus had, hence the reason why the Acts of Saint Peter were removed from the Bible was to hide this fact. His brother Saint Peter, the first Pope, shaped the Keys of Saint Peter, the coat of arms of the papacy, in the shaped of the Phoenician Taw (X), which is Orion’s Belt or the Crux Constellation, as a tribute to his brother.
The Phoenician Taw is an astrological symbol marking the death for the sun for three days, so that the Sun/ Son can be reborn or resurrected in three days; hence, 3 days of death and 3 days of life (double-headed Eagle) equals 33 degrees, and hence, the gods of life and death: Abraham (Lord Braham), Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, Ptah, and etc (the X-men). All these gods are associated with the Phoenician Taw (X) or Cruz Constellation, so I refer to these gods of life and death as the X-Men.
Looks like so-called Blacks are Islamic Jews from the Ten lost tribes of Israel. This is all just further evidence that Hebrews and Moors (Turks and Saracens) had a strong alliance at one point in time. In fact, Hebrews and Moors are the same, because we are all Hebrews, and the Tribes did intermingle with each other.
Prester John, King David El, was also the leader of the Western XI or Xia, aka, the Olmecs in the Americas, since the Olmecs were also known as the XI People. Some scholars suggest that the Olmecs come from China: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olmec_alternative_origin_speculations (see “Chinese Origins”). I can go with China since Tangut, which is on several old-world maps in this post, was the Empire of the Western XI people, so we have a strong connection suggesting that the Olmecs come from Tangut, which is a provenience of China that was located on the border of Tibet (Tebet). Yes, I know what happen to the Olmecs. They were wiped out during the Genghis Khan invasion in the early 1200’s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Xia. Yes, the Olmecs fought with their King Prester John and so did every able body man and woman, since Prester John was King of the World, aka, the three Indies or the three Ethiopia’s.
Additionally, some of the statues of the Olmecs look very Oriental with their almond-shaped eyes. In fact, the Olmecs look like Black Mongols, so yes, it is very possible that the Olmecs could have come from Tangut, China, in North America. Also, I found an image of a comparison between old-world Chinese spiritual customs verses the spiritual customs of Mexico. Yes…, the spiritual customs of China and Mexico are one and the same because they are almost identical religious, and /or spiritual belief systems, i.e., based upon the image provided in this post; therefore, we have another strong connection suggesting that the Olmecs come from Tangut, China: The Empire of the Western XI, in North America.
A lot of Moors don’t like Prester John because he gave Middle Eastern orthodox Muslims that work during the early Crusades. However, the double O Moors from Africa, Europe, and the so-called middle east are orthodox Muslims and are not the same as the Oriental Moslems (Sufi’s) from the Americas, who are Hebrews with Islamic customs, aka, Islamic Jews. Prester John was the Khan/ King of four powerful Islamic Dynasties before they converted to Nestorism: The Western XI (the Olmecs), the Kara-Khanid Khanate, the Kara Kitai, and the Kofar Al-Turak. Prester John was also Prophet Elijah of the Holy Quran and many more titles, so if you are a Washitaw Mu’ur (Maur) from Mu/ Atlantis (the Americas) Prester John was your king and Emperor, and it is no way around that.
The war between the Khan-Father (Prester John) and Temujin, soon to be Genghis Khan, is the biggest World War that you never heard of, because we are talking about dragons, sorcerers, ancient advanced weapons, giants, hundreds of thousands of men, etc., on both sides of this war. How did this war start between these two powerful Magi-Kings? Well, Genghis wanted to marry one of Prester John’s Daughter, which angered Prester John, so Prester John responded back to Genghis’s request with insults, which angered Genghis. This beef between them eventually escalates into a World war of galactic proportions.
According to the book, “Prester John: the legend and its Sources,” Genghis Khan was the student and nephew of Prester John (see post image of the Shrine of Genghis Khan). Genghis even referred to Prester John as the Khan-Father. Prester John openly referred to Genghis Khan as a shell of a Khan and his Surf (slave) when Genghis asked Prester John could he marry his daughter, so best believe Prester John was the God-King and not Genghis. Genghis didn’t even earn the title of the Khan until after he came with an overwhelming force to the Americas and with numerous Kings that had plotted against Prester John, because they got tired of his rule over them, in order to defeat Prester John. Even after the fake Khan (Genghis) defeated him no one saw Prester John fall by the sword. Why not? Well, because he had tapped into his Golden Dragon body and disappeared after he knew that he had lost the war. The Golden Dragon Body is a move that Prester John has done many times to save himself.
How did Genghis Khan defeat such a powerful King? Well, Prester John underestimated Genghis and Genghis came with an overwhelming force. Genghis himself was a powerful Magi since he trained under Prester John and was of his Holy Grail bloodline. Prester John had also taught Genghis too much.
According to the book, “Prester John: the legend and its Sources,” the two armies met on the field of Tangut, the Empire of the Western XI (Olmecs) and a provenience of China, near Tibet. Tangut was in North America according to the three old-world maps from the early 1500’s. Temujin took the title of Genghis Khan and the Title of David after he defeated Prester John and by taking one of Prester John’s Daughters, so that he could marry into the line of David, making him and his offsprings legitimate King of the Hebrews.
Even though the link does not mention the Mayans/Mayas, I believe that the Mayans were also wiped out during the Genghis-Khan invasion, because no one knows what happened to the Olmecs and the Mayas. All Olmecs and Mayans that were not destroyed had to have migrated to other parts of the Americas to become the so-called Blacks or African Americans of today. This makes sense because who wouldn’t fight and die defending their land and the King of the World and the King of Judah, aka, Prester John?
All of the real Knights Templars died in this war too defending their land and their King Prester John. Prester John’s Knights Templar are not to be confused with the Hijack Templars from Europe, because the Amurru-khan (American) Templars were Islamic Jews (Moslems), aka, Sufi’s, because we studied everything. I know if my landmass is being invaded, I am going to defend it. Likewise, the Olmecs, Mayans, Templars, and every able person fought with their King, Prester John defending the Americas. The days of Prester John were the glory days of the Americas. The Americans went downhill after the Genghis Khan invasion, because Genghis was a tyrant ruler, and he introduced the Mongolian Redman to the Americas that people mistake today for the Native American/ American Indian. Yes, the so-called Redman is not native to the Americas, because they are a product of the Genghis Khan invasion of the 1200’s.
Many believe the person Marco Polo referred to as Prester John was the ruler of the Karaites (Kara-Khanid Khanate and the Kara Kitai Dynasties), a Mongol or Turkic people that lived near what is now the intersection of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China. The dates would line up — the Karaites were conquered by the Mongol Empire around the turn of the 13th century. Other histories, however, say that Toghrul, or Wang Khan (Prester John), escaped alive after Genghis’ conquest in 1202.
Who were the Kara-Khanid Khanate? Well, they were Blackamoors, since the name of the tribe means Black Khan. They were also a Mongol/ Turkish people that were Islamic before they converted to the Nestorian faith to be in league with their King, Prester John. According to the book, “The Races of Men,” by Robert Knox, the original Mongol/ Turk and Caucasian was a dark-skinned person that you would call a Negro or an African American today. In this post is an illustration of the Races of Men from the said book.
“The term Karakhanid was derived from Qara Khan or Qara Khaqan (Persian: قراخان, romanized: Qarākhān), the foremost title of the rulers of the dynasty.[12] The word “Kara” means “black” and also “courageous” from Old Turkic (𐰴𐰺𐰀) and khan means ruler. The term was devised by European Orientalists in the 19th century to describe both the dynasty and the Turks ruled by it.[10]
Arabic Muslim sources called this dynasty al-Khaqaniya (“That of the Khaqans”) or al Muluk al-Khaniyya al-Atrak (The Khanal kings of the Turks).
Persian sources often used the term Al-i Afrasiyab (Persian: آل افراسیاب, romanized: Āl-i Afrāsiyāb, lit. ’House of Afrisyab’) based on a supposed link to the legendary though actually unrelated King Afrasiab of pre-Islamic Transoxania.[10] Mahmud al-Kashgari refers to him as Alp Er Tunga.[13]
They are also referred to as Ilek Khanids or Ilak Khanids (Persian: ایلک خانیان, romanized: Ilak-Khānīyān) in Persian.[5]
Chinese sources refer to this dynasty as Kalahan (Chinese: 喀喇汗) or Heihan (Chinese: 黑汗, literally “Black Khan”) or Dashi (Chinese: 大食, a term for Arabs that extends to Muslims in general).[14][15]”[End quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara-Khanid_Khanate].
In 1218 the Mongols, under Chinggis Khan, overthrew the Kara Kitai empire which had in about 1211 passed under the control of an adventurer of the Naiman tribe of Mongols. By 1220 Chinggis Khan had gone on to destroy the empire of Khwarezm, a powerful Islamic state which had been founded towards the end of the 12th century in the land between the Rivers Oxus and Jaxartes, and which extended its influence over much of Persia.
That Karaite leader may have been Toghrul Khan (Prester John), the man who was Genghis’ childhood protector after his father died. Whoever it was, most of the Karaites were known to have converted from Islam to Nestorian in the year 1009, and Genghis’s sons did take Nestorian wives from the Karaites — one of whom would become the mother of Kublai Khan.
All of Moro Polo’s mentions of Prester John come from stories that were set before Polo himself was born, however, Polo did talk to some of the Khans (Kings) of Asia, who were direct descendants of Prester John; therefore, I consider Polo to be an authority on this matter. Prester John does seem to be a character with supernatural powers. You can refer to Prester’s Five magical Stones and his Realm of Infinite thousands of dragons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiNmEDHcJUg&t=53s.
Prester John was definitely the King of Islamic Jews/ Hebrews since (1.) he descendants from the Magi-King, Balthazar, the Maur: King of Arabia and Africa; (2.) since he was a French Maur, as the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty (King Merovech); (3.) since he studied and mastered the mystic arts under the Mystic Turk (Sufi), Hasdai Ibn Shaprut; (4.) since he was the ruler over four Islamic Turkish Dynasties at first before these dynasties converted to Nestorians to be in league with their King Prester John: The Western XI (the Olmecs), the Kara-Khanid Khanate, the Kara Kitai, and the Kofar Al-Turak; (5.) since Wolfram von Eschenbach tied the history of Prester John to the Holy Grail legend in his poem Parzival, in which the Prester is the son of the Grail maiden and the Saracen (old Arab) knight Feirefiz; and (6.) since Ruth the Moabitess of the Bible was the Grandmother of the Biblical King David. Everyone knows Moabites are Moors and are under Islam.
People try to make Prester John out to be a myth, because he was bigger than legend, but how can someone or something be mythical when you can find their name and image on several old-world maps? In this post is like seven maps that bear his name and/ or his image, but there are many more maps that bear his image. One of these maps is a Mercator map and one is a map from Orontius Fineus. Mercator and Orontius are both renown map cartographers that would never place a fictional king on their maps.
Plus, the letter of Prester John that went to every ruler in the world in 1165 is more evidence that Prester John was real. Additionally, Pope Alexander III wrote a letter to Prester John and sent a convey to India, in hopes of recruiting this Priest-King to help them fight in the Crusades. Why would a powerful man like the Pope waste his time and money on a fictional myth if Prester John was not real? Also, many books have been written about him. Lastly, African historians agree that Prester John was real. Yes, “It is in the mythical that we have the truth.” ~ Greek proverb.
I tried to debunk Prester John at first, but I ran into too much evidence of his existence. I am not the only person to feel this way, since the podcast, “Our fake history,” an award-wining show that specializes in either debunking myths as false, or proving myths as true, came to the same conclusion as me. Here is episode #57 – was there a real Prester John: https://ourfakehistory.com/index.php/season-3/episode-57-was-there-a-real-prester-john/.
The only thing in the podcast that I don’t agree with is Prester John being a Christian King, because he was not a Christian king, but a Nestorian, which means old king renown for wisdom. Nestorian is a subtle way of saying Pagan. In medieval times everyone that fought against Muslims were called Christians, even if they were not Christians.
What surprised me is that Wikipedia never called Prester John a fictional myth like most academic sites do, so best believe the evidence to prove he existed is overwhelming. “Prester John (Latin: Presbyter Johannes) was a legendary Christian patriarch, presbyter, and king. Stories popular in Europe in the 12th to the 17th centuries told of a Nestorian patriarch and king who was said to rule over a Christian nation lost amid the pagans and Muslims in the Orient.[1]: 28 The accounts were often embellished with various tropes of medieval popular fantasy, depicting Prester John as a descendant of the Three Magi, ruling a kingdom full of riches, marvels, and strange creatures.
At first, Prester John was imagined to reside in India. Tales of the Nestorian Christians’ evangelistic success there and of Thomas the Apostle‘s subcontinental travels as documented in works like the Acts of Thomas probably provided the first seeds of the legend. After the coming of the Mongols to the Western world, accounts placed the king in Central Asia, and eventually Portuguese explorers came to believe that they had found him in Ethiopia.” [End quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prester_John].
“By the late 15th Century Portuguese explorers did make contact with the Christian king in Ethiopia and wrote descriptions of the court, the state, and its people. These descriptions and their correspondence provide historically valuable insight into the Ethiopian kingdom of the time. The Portuguese viewed the wealth of Ethiopia as the source of gold for King Solomon’s temple, conflating the legend with the biblical story of King Solomon. The emperor of Ethiopia at the time, Zara Yaqob, notably wrote European rulers expressing his incredulity and dislike of the title “king” and the attribution to Prester John. The legend of Prester John in Africa and particularly Ethiopia became one of the reasons for early European exploration of the African coast.” [End quote from: https://www.blackpast.org/global-african-history/prester-john/].
Whenever you have plenty of evidence of a fantastic person, place, or thing that doesn’t suit your agenda, you must use the CIA mind control keyword of its “Mythical” or it’s a “Conspiracy Theory” to try to explain away all of the evidence, so that a conquered people will never attach to the greatness of that history.
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