Sunday, 12 September 2021

Ancient Afghanistan was in Missouri

Greetings friends, “Ancient Afghanistan was in Missouri,” is not intended to take away from any of the glory from the counterpart Afghanistan in Asia Minor, but only to prove that America is the True Old World.

I must give a shoutout to Khandrop 432 the drop radio, even though he hates Moors and Islam, because he made a great video proving that Afghanistan was in Missouri. The name of the video is called, “Prestor John #70| Afghan, son of Jeremiah, Grandson of Saul the son of Kish Rashid.” Before you watch this video, I have to correct Khandrop, because the brother misunderstood a passage from the book he was reading from, “The Medieval Empire of the Israelites,” on page 323 at the 49:00-minute mark of the video; since the author never said that Islam was created in the 17th century. The author was referring to the assertion that, “The rulers of Afghanistan as being descendants of the ancient Israelites from the Tribe of Benjamin.” The author went on by saying, “that this assertion was expressed only in the 17th Century. This is, after the breakup of the empire and the birth of Islam.”

To clarify this point, the reason why the author said the above quote is because no one knew that King Afghana (the founder of ancient Afghanistan) was an Israelite, since it was a hidden fact that he was the son of Jeremiah and Grandson of King Saul, until an Arab historian published a book in the 1600’s about the history of Afghanistan. This is why the author said, “that this assertion was expressed only in the 17th Century [1600’s]. This is, after the breakup of the empire and the birth of Islam.” Yes, this assertion from the 17th Century clearly came after the breakup of the Israelite Empire and the birth of Islam, since Islam was created in the 7th Century, which is well-established by historians. You have to excuse Khandrop, because his hate for Moors runs deep, however, he is a good scholar which is why I used his video. Now, that we have called the video lets move on to proving that Ancient Afghanistan was in Missouri.


According to academics, the Khyber Pass borders ancient Afghanistan: This means that if there is a Khyber Pass in the Americas, ancient Afghanistan is the land by its borders. Do we have a Khyber Pass in the Americas? Yes, we do! For example, with the use of etymology we can learn that Khyber is the same as Kheeber, Kheevira, and Quivira since the “KH” has the same meaning and pronunciation of the “Q,” Kheevira became Quivira.

I am not the only one to know this, since Dr. Gene D. Matlock wrote a book entitled, “Khyber (Kheeber) pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira), NM and Baboquivari, AZ: When India Ruled the World.” Just by reading the title of the book, you realize that Dr. Matlock came to the same conclusion that Khyber is etymologically the same as Quivira. This means that if America has a Quivira it has to the real Quivira (Khyber) pass that borders ancient Afghanistan, since the Americas is the Orient (the East) and the true old world. (See blog post, “The Old World is the New World,”:

The mythical city of Quivira was one of those 7 golden cites, which is also shown on the maps I shared below: Quivira is now in the Kansas (sons of Khan) state region, which is in Wichita territory. We also know that Wichita is a corruption of the Washitaw Muur Empire. The Washitaw Muurs were known as the Mound Builders and the Ancient Ones. The UNITED NATIONS has already recognized the Washitaw Muurs as the oldest indigenous people on the planet. Read more about the Washitaw Muurs right here:

“It is in the Mythical that we have the truth.” ~ Greek proverb. My advice friends, is to look for the truth in every myth, because our history was so great that it was too much to hide; therefore, all of our great history that they couldn’t hide from us they just told us that it was mythical so that we would not attach ourselves to the greatness. History is very important, because it gives you a sense of competency and it lets you know who you once were, so that you can achieve the same results again. If history wasn’t one of the most important subjects to learn the powers that be wouldn’t have spent billions, if not trillions, of dollars hiding your history from you. Below are all of the maps that I gave as evidence. Please zoom in and see it for yourself.

1660 map of America. Notice that this map shows you California as an Island, Cibola, Granada, Anian, and Quivira. You may have to click on the link I gave from the Stanford University library, so that you can zoom in to see it better: .

Quivirae regnum, cum aliis versus Boream. Novae Gvineae Forma & Situs. From the atlas: Speculum orbis terrӕ. Antverpea, 1593-1613. P. 12. Maps of part of North America (Quivira) and New Guinea from the world atlas Gerard de Jode «Mirror of the World». Antwerp, 1593-1613. P.12. The map of Quivira contains a text in which residents of the area are compared with the Tartars – a reference to the theory that North America was part of Asia: Notice the Dragon and the lion on this map too.

1650, Barry Lawrence Ruderman Map of America from the Stanford Library: Notice that this map shows you Cibola, Granada, and Quivira. You may have to click on the link I gave from the Stanford University library, so that you can zoom in to see it better. The State of Kansas is now where Quivira used to be located. Kansas (Quivira Pass/ Khyber Pass) borders Missouri, which suggests that Missouri is the real ancient Afghanistan, since it borders Kansas.


Cabool Missouri located in Texas County, Missouri was allegedly named after Kabul Afghanistan, because this area of southern Texas County looked similar to the region of Kabul, Afghanistan. I believe, and according to old legend that this area was named after an Indian Chief/ Sheik named Kabul:,_Missouri (Read the section entitled, “Etymology.”).

Cabool, etymologically, is the same as Kabul, since the vowels are interchangeable with most ancient languages. Even when you study the etymology of the Kabul in Afghanistan you will learn that Cabool and Kabul are etymologically one and the same word. (Quote from the Toponymy and Etymology section of Kabul Afghanistan:    Kabul (/ˈkɑːbuːl/,[19] /ˈkɑːbəl/Pashto: کابل‎ Kâbəl, IPA: [kɑˈbəl]Dari: کابل‎ Kābol, IPA: [kɒːˈbol])[20] is also spelled as CaboolCabolKabol, or Cabul.” [End quote].

Which Kabul (Cabool) is older since we are discussing the capitol and largest city in ancient Afghanistan? Well, Cabool Missouri is located in the Orient (the East) and the true old world (the Americas), so it is the oldest in my book, which means that Kabul Afghanistan was patterned after the American Cabool Missouri. Plus, this also means that Cabool Missouri is the real ancient Afghanistan, since it is the oldest.


In this post is an image of the Afghan Market in St. Louis Missouri that consists of Sameem Afghan Restaurant & Catering, Afghan Chopan Kabab STL, and the Kabul Express STL. Afghans live in Afghanistan; therefore, Afghan is short for Afghanistan, which is their Nationality because people name themselves after landmasses or the territory that they live in. To have an Afghan Market in Missouri is alluding to the fact that Missouri was once Ancient Afghanistan. The proof is in the culture.

The post Ancient Afghanistan was in Missouri appeared first on America is the Old World.


Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Ancient Turkey was in South Carolina

Greetings, friends! Today’s post, “Ancient Turkey was in South Carolina,” is a necessary post to prove that America is the True Old World, since people associate Turkey with the Old World, since farming and agriculture is said to come from the Fertile Crescent region over 12,000 years ago, a region that includes parts of Israel, Iran, Iraq, Jordan — and southern Turkey, according to academics:

“Based on a genetic study published in Nature Communications and theories of Prof. Israel Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University, proper agriculture per se may well have begun in southeastern Turkey — Anatolia — possibly with prehistoric Iran involved too.

The study proves that at least 10,000 years ago, local hunter-gatherers in Anatolia changed their subsistence strategy and began to farm, as opposed to learning the practice from migrants from the Levant.” [End quote].

Now, that we know this information, it is fair to conclude that the Turks (Moors) were some of your first farmers, since Turkey was part of the Fertile Crescent region, which is given credit for the origins of Civilization. I know you all have read the title of this blog post and are questioning how is Ancient Turkey in South Carolina? Well, here are some factors to factor in during our investigation of this matter:


Mount Ararat, a snow-capped inactive volcano in Eastern Turkey, was mentioned in the KJV Bible as the legendry mountain were the Biblical Noah landed his Ark: “And on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.” (Genesis 8:4, KJV) [End quote]. However, according to the Jefferson Fry map of 1751 from the Library of Congress, Mount Ararat was located in North Carolina (Southern Turkey):,0.485,0.199,0.078,0. Please, click on the link to view the 1751 map, so you can see Mount Ararat, aka, the Mountains of Ararat, and the Ararat River in North Carolina. If this is the Biblical Mount Ararat, this means that North Carolina was once Southern Turkey.

Today, Mount Ararat is known as part of the Pilot Mountains in North Carolina, as a throw-off, because the Mount Ararat in North Carolina fits the Biblical description of the resting place of Noah’s Ark way better than its counterpart in Eastern Turkey, since the Bible mentions the Mountains of Ararat and you have several mountains in that area, according to the 1751 map from the Library of Congress. Plus, when we factor in the Ararat River and Ararat, Virginia, all of the Ararat place names suggest that the Biblical Mount Ararat was in North Carolina, which means that the real ancient Turkey was in the Carolina’s (North and South Carolina).


The root-word of Carolina is Kara (Caro=Kara), which means Black in Turkish. In Arabic “Lina” (لينة) refers to a small, young palm tree. It is a direct Quranic name. Figuratively, Lina means “tender” or “tenderness” and “delicate.” Yes, Carolina or Karalina is of Turkish (Islamic) origin, which is no surprise to me since we have over 500 American cities and towns that are Arabic in origin. One of the old Nicknames of the Carolina’s (North and South) was Carolinastan. The suffix, “Stan,” makes you think of Arabic Countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and etc. In fact, the Flag of the Islamic Republic of Carolinastan, represented both North and South Carolina at one point in time (as a unified Republic), but now it is just the state Flag of South Carolina. (See State Flag of South Carolina, which has a blue background with a young white palm tree and a white crescent moon). As you can see, this flag is Islamic since it features the Islamic crescent moon on it.


Troy is an ancient Greek city in Anatolia, where the Trojan War is supposed to have taken place, as recorded in Homer’s epic poems (Note: North America also has a Troy Alabama, Troy California, Troy Texas, Troy Georgia, Troy Michigan, Troy Missouri, and etc. In fact, North America has 35 Troy place names, which suggests that ancient Troy was in the Americas, especially, when Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome was in the Americas: Anatolia is an ancient name for Turkey, and it also means, “The East in Greek.” (See blog post, “The Old World is the New World,” since I proved that North America was India Superior and I showed the original compass that indicates the West is actually the far East:


You once had a group of Turks/ Moors that called themselves the Turks of South Carolina: Why would a group of people call themselves Turks if they weren’t from ancient Turkey? Just to answer my own question, they called themselves Turks because South Carolina was once known as Northern Turkey. This is true if you consider all of the facts already discussed and this Exotic map of the USA from the Library of the University of California, Santa Barbara: I also included an image of the Exotic map of the USA for your viewing convenience. As you can see, South Carolina is clearly designated as Turkey according to this said map.


If you give something or someone a name, in most cases, you created it or helped to create it, such is the case with the naming of American crops such as Corn/ Maize, which was called Turkish Wheat by the Turks/ Moors who were your first merchants and masters of the seven seas. The interesting thing about corn is that it is a hybrid plant that was modified from wheat by Turkmen (Turks) as a food source long ago, hence the name Turkish wheat, which predates the term maize.

It was in the Mediterranean area where so-called New World plants from the Americas had their earliest acceptance. The Mediterranean Sea served as a background for the struggle between the Ottoman Turks (the Washitaw Muurs/ Mound Builders) and the Spanish Hapsburgs (Rome) in the sixteenth century (1500’s). These two empires played a dominant role in the region and were probably the most important distributors of American plants to Mediterranean and European countries.

The role played by the Turks is evident in the nomenclature of American plants in the sixteenth century. Maize appeared in European herbals with the name of Turkish grain, blé de Turquie, or turkisher korn. The chili pepper was called Turkish red pepper and squash was known as Turkish cucumber, and Tobacco was known as Turkish Tobacco; even the American turkey received its well-known name in English at this time, when it was called the turkie-bird. [Source:]


The Turks or Moors were Jews/ Hebrews with Islamic customs, which is why you can find ancient Islamic coins with the Lion of Judah and the 6-pointed Star of David on them. (See blog post, “The Original Arabs were Blackamoors: Yes, the ancient Turks were Negro’s according to the blog post I shared and this American law called the Negro law of South Carolina: In the Negro Laws of South Carolina of 1839 reads as such: “The term Negro is confined to slave Africans (Ancient Berbers) and their descendants.”[2] [1] The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 11: The High Empire, A.D. 70-192.


Previously, I did a blog post entitled, “Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel,” that proves that Islam and all religions came from the Orient (the East), which is the Americas: The word Orient means, “the East.” The blog post proves that Christopher Columbus came to the so-called New World to capture Moslem-Jerusalem. This is not to be confused with the Hebrew or Jewish Jerusalem, which is in the Middle East, but the Moslem-Jerusalem that was ruled by Saracens (Moors) in Granada Land, which means promised Land. This post also shows you the Corn palaces that the Muurs used to distribute their Turkish wheat or Corn to the world. Yes, the Muurs were also your first corn barons. We already know about the Muurs being Tobacco Barons, hence the term Turkish Tobacco, because all of the Blackamoor Cigar Statues depict a dark image of a Negro merchant.

The post Ancient Turkey was in South Carolina appeared first on America is the Old World.
