America is the Old World is a business dedicated to Ancient American History, Ancient Civilizations, Black History, Indigenous Culture, and private remedies. This business was inspired by my new history book, “America is the True Old World, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey.
This is the First Compass, aka, the original compass and as you can see the Far East is actually the West. Yes, they flipped the maps on us. This is copyrighted material so I claim Fair use for educational purposes. This image is from Buxton and Skinner Company's 1904 "Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904
Old Canaan and ancient Egypt
This is a map of Old Canaan and ancient Egypt. As you can see the Biblical land of Canaan was in South America and ancient Egypt was in North America, which was known as the Orient (East), India Superior, and/or Asia Major. I have sources to authenticate this map too, because I have already written blog posts proving that "Ancient Mesopotamia was in the Americas," and "Ancient Egypt was in the Americas," which gives credence to this map as being factual. Plus, there is an area in South America near Guyana (Ghana) named, "Egypt Land of Canaan." Yes, Canaan (son of Ham/ Cush), aka, the Phoenicians, give birth the Ancient Egypt in North America. This is also Historically correctly too, according to Western academia since Cush or Ethiopia gave birth to Ancient Egypt in the North.
Canaan Valley State Park Trail map
This is a map of the Canaan Valley State Park Trail in Canaan Valley, West Virginia.
The Biblical Land of Old Canaan
This map shows you the Biblical Land of Old Canaan in the New World. The state of New HAMpshire has some interesting history, since the Biblical land of Canaan, Lebanon, and Goshen was in New HAM-shire (Hampshire) in North America, since it fits the description of the land of Canaan from the Bible: "But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason that land is named Canaan." —Jubilees 10:29-34. "God brought his people out from Goshen to the land of milk and honey and drove out the enemy before them with hornets (bees)." - Deut: 7:20; Joshua 24:12. Additionally, there is a Canaan, Goshen, and a Lebanon in the State of Oregon.
Old canaan in the New World
Old canaan in the New World, is a book that demonstrates that Native Americans descend from the 12 tribes of Israel.
“Old Canaan in the New World,” is a blog that features the book, “Old Canaan in a New World: Native Americans and the Lost Tribes of Israel,” since this is book questions whether the indigenous Americans were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel.
Here is the book summary, “From the moment Europeans realized Columbus had landed in a place unknown to them in 1492, they began speculating about how the Americas and their inhabitants fit into the Bible. For many, the most compelling explanation was the Hebraic Indian theory, which proposed that indigenous Americans were the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel. For its proponents, the theory neatly explained why this giant land and its inhabitants were not mentioned in the Biblical record.
In Old Canaan in a New World, Elizabeth Fenton shows that though the Hebraic Indian theory may seem far-fetched today, it had a great deal of currency and significant influence over a very long period of American history. Indeed, at different times the idea that indigenous Americans were descended from the lost tribes of Israel was taken up to support political and religious positions on diverse issues including Christian millennialism, national expansion, trade policies, Jewish rights, sovereignty in the Americas, and scientific exploration.
Through analysis of a wide collection of writings—from religious texts to novels—Fenton sheds light on a rarely explored but important part of religious discourse in early America. As the Hebraic Indian theory evolved over the course of two centuries, it revealed how religious belief and national interest intersected in early American history.” [End quote from book summary from Amazon:…/dp/B07ZKVNC6X].
I love the book cover because the Author is telling you that that the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life is in the New World (the Americas). Notice that the Book cover has the Tree of life, Mother mary, or the Kaaba in the Center, which is surrounded by four pillars that signify the four rivers of life that flow into the Garden of Eden. Read more about the Garden of Eden right here please:
The state of New HAMpshire has some interesting history, since the Biblical land of Canaan, Lebanon, and Goshen was in New HAM-shire (Hampshire) in North America, since it fits the description of the land of Canaan from the Bible: “But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason that land is named Canaan.” —Jubilees 10:29-34. “God brought his people out from Goshen to the land of milk and honey and drove out the enemy before them with hornets (bees).” – Deut: 7:20; Joshua 24:12. Additionally, there is a Canaan, Goshen, and a Lebanon in the State of Oregon.
We also have a Canada in North America, which was named after the Canaanites or the Khananland Muurs from Wa-Canada (Wakhanda). Let’s not forget the Canaan Valley State Park located in Canaan Valley, West virginia. Lastly, the grand Canyon was named after the Khanaanites/ Canaanites, since Canyon is a derivative of Kan or Can, which is short for Canaan or Canaan-on (Canyon). In this post is a map of South America being listed as Canaan and ancient Egypt as North America, and I have sources to authenticate it, since Ancient Mesopotamia was in the Americas:, and so was ancient Egypt in the Americas:
As you can see by viewing the map of Old Canaan and ancient Egypt, the Biblical land of Canaan was in South America and ancient Egypt was in North America, which was known as the Orient (East), India Superior, and/or Asia Major. I have sources to authenticate this map too, because I have already written blog posts proving that “Ancient Mesopotamia was in the Americas,” and “Ancient Egypt was in the Americas,” which gives credence to this map as being factual. Plus, there is an area in South America near Guyana (Ghana) named, “Egypt Land of Canaan”: Yes, Canaan (son of Ham/ Cush), aka, the Phoenicians, give birth the Ancient Egypt in North America. This is also Historically correctly too, according to Western academia since Cush or Ethiopia gave birth to Ancient Egypt in the North.
America is the Land of Milk & Honey, or the Promised land of Israel (Granada land): This means that Old Canaan, Egypt, Jerusalem, Sumer, Babylon, and etc., was in the Americas, since the Americas is the land of the Bible and the true Far East. In this post is the original compass before it was flipped around to deceive us and the World. This original compass was taken from Buxton and Skinner Company’s 1904 “Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904. The East is associated with the land of the Bible and the Old World, therefore, since the Americas is the Far East, the Americas is the true old World. Peace.