Tuesday, 22 September 2020

America is the True Old World, Vol. II (Ebook)

America is the True Old World, Volume II (Ebook), is the ancient American history book that you all have been waiting on, since this book is destined to rewrite history with the discoveries contained within this book. This book comes complete with 9 chapters and with over 70 color illustrations to highlight the beauty and sophistication of the old world. This book is not your traditional history book; therefore, it is not for the faint hearted.

This book is jam-packed with information and after reading this revolutionary history book, you will never look at history the same way again, because history is not how we know it. Could the East really be a reflection of the West? Is the West really the far East? This book will answer these questions for you and some more. If you love to think outside of the box, and are just fed up with the lies of traditional history books, this is your history book, and I assure you that you will love it.

America is the True Old World, volume II, challenges the status quo with the discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, India Superior, Sumer, Cush, Ethiopia, Ancient Ghana, Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Mali, Timbuctoo, the Kingdom of Fez, Tripoli, Mecca, Morocco, Mauritania, ancient Arabia, Rome & Greece, the garden of Eden, cities of gold (Cibola and El Dorado), and so much more, all located in the Americas. Yes, all of the said places where all in the Americas, first, since America is the True Old World. If you have a friend or a family member with an open mind that loves to think outside the box, then get them this good read as a present. I am a firm believer that knowledge is the best gift, because you can do so much with knowledge. “Knowledge is power.” ~ Ole saying.

This history book also debunks the Transatlantic slave trade story, as being told to us in reverse, because the Americas has always been a Negro Continent, which means that it would have been a lot easier and cheaper just to enslave the copper-colored Native Americans (Blackamoors) that were already in the Americas way before Christopher columbus.


Islam and the Muur comes from the Orient (East):

Islam was in the Americas and had a big influence on the Americas, because you have a total of 565 names, 484 in America and 81 in Canada, of villages, towns, cities, mountains, lakes, rivers and etcetera, are etymologically Arabic; which were designated by locals long before the arrival of Columbus. Many of these names are in fact the same as names of Islamic places; Mecca in Indiana, Mecca in California, Alhambra in California, Medina in Idaho, Medina in New York, Medina and Hazen in North Dakota, Medina in Ohio, Medina in Tennessee, Medina in Texas, Medina and Arva in Ontario, Mahomet in Illinois, and Mona in Utah, are just a few noticeable names at the outset. A closer analysis of the names of native tribes will immediately reveal their Arabic etymological ancestry; Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohician, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, and Zuni are only a few.

Yes, Islam was everywhere in the Americas. One just has to look for it, because you can see the evidence from Queen Califia (California), to Allah-Bumya (Alabama), to Tallah-hasse (Tallahassee), to Medina Ohio, to Moorestown New Jersey, to Islamorada Florida, Mecca California, and to Al-hambra California; so yes, Moslems have left a big impact on America. But where does Islam come from? Did it come from Mecca California, Media Indiana, Mecca Indiana, or Morocco Indiana?

Islam comes from Sufism (Sophia), which was a science that comes from India. Do all religions come from India Superior (the Americas)? Yes, because India is the oldest Civilization: https://bit.ly/3htUNfA. (NOTE: the video I just shared from “Liftingtheveil,” on YouTube is about India being the oldest civilization is correct, but the video failed to specify that it was the Mayan Indians (INDIA), aka, the Maya-Nagas, and not the Indians from Hindustan/ India, that actually civilized the world). If you are a reader of my blog, “The Old World is the New World,” or my book, “America is the True Old World,” you have already read that the Americas is the Orient or the far East (see blog images), aka, Asia Major, or India Superior; and we know that America is the True old world, which means that all civilization as to be created to the Americas, including religions like Islam, since the Americas is the far East. The Garden of Eden is associated with the East, because Scholars associate the East with the Old World, but is America really the far East?: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-old-world-is-the-new-world/.

Additionally, a researcher made a video that suggest that the Holy City of Mecca is in the wrong place. The name of the video is called, “The Sacred city of Mecca: Have we got it all wrong?” You can watch it on Youtube at: https://bit.ly/2GUZItw. I agree with the video since the Americas is the Orient (the East). What is also interesting is that “Oriental means Western Scholar who Studies Islam,” according to the book, “Orientalism,” by Edward Said. Yes, based upon the evidence Islam came from the Orient: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientalism.

What happen to the Berbers/Saracens (Moslems) of the Americas? Well, have you ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition, via, the Dum Diversas of 1452, issued by the Pope, authorizing Christians to enslave Saracens and non-believers and to take their lands, because no one disappeared? It is just that everyone has become ignorant. There are over 500 cities and towns in UNITED STATES named after Muslims and a huge part of Europe as well. The textbooks, History (His-Story), and education of today are all manipulated; therefore, Western Academics will not get us out of our deep sleep, because Western Academics is the Institution that has put WE THE PEOPLE to sleep to begin with. We need our own Institutions and scholars that are not compromised by Oaths and by Western Academics.

Lower Mauritania was in North America:

There is no doubt that the Americas was a Moslem (Muslim) Nation that was overthrown in the name of Christ, using Christianity as a tool to get what they had wanted, which was land and resources. We hate to blame Christianity for the invasion of the Americans, so people blame Moslems or Moors for the invasion, because the media and society has conditioned most people to hate Islam and all things associated with Islam, like Muurs/ Moors for an example. Due to this conditioning it is necessary to understand the true meaning of the term Muur/ Moor. Please read my previous blog, “The True Meaning and Origin of the Term Moor Found in Ancient Times.” In this blog, I demonstrated that the Americas was indeed a Moselm/ Muslim nation: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-true-meaning-and-origin-of-the-term-muur-moor-found-in-ancient-times/.

We need to get out of our feelings and understand that Muur/ Moor is the ancient and proper way of calling someone with dark skin, Black. Moors were blackamoor people of all faiths and customs, and not just Islam! There are also two sets of Moors. The Moor spelled with the double O are the Moors from Europe and Africa. The Moor spelled with the Mu’ur are the Moors from Mu/Atlantis, aka, Lemuria (the Americas). Keep in mind that you have the Title Moor/Mu/Mer/Maur/Meru/Meri in the Word America. For Example, Amaur-ka, (T)a-mer-Inca (America), Amen-Ra-Ka, Al Morocco (Al-mer-Ra-Ka), Al-Mauri-khan (American) Ameru-Ka, Amexem (Mexico), etc. Etymology is a powerful true science.

Based upon Etymology, one of the names of America was Almorocco, which means the farthest most West, and the land of the Muurs, or the land of the gods. North America is a continent that is the farthest most West. Al-Morocco, the West, is an ancient name for America. This was not the only name for America, but it did exist as you can see.

In this blog post is the original statue of Liberty. Yes, family and friends the original symbol of America was actually a Muurish (black) Moslem woman: https://ietv.co/32r13AG. Why Muslim, well because America was founded on Islam, it was the Muurs who had taught Europeans government. This is why elite Europeans call themselves Shriners, aka, Moslem sons, and wear the Muurish Fez in secret. All the so-called founder fathers of the Country had a Holy Quran and it was Morocco, Indiana that first recognized the UNITED STATES as a nation.

Additionally, the Barbary Treaties of 1786-1836 between US and the Barbary state, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1786/1836 between Morocco and the US, and House Resolution 75, read April 17, 1933, page 5759, demonstrates the Moor/Muur presence right here in America. All the said treaties are treaties of the US and are the Supreme Law of the land per Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. The said treaties demonstrate the existence of the Mahometan (Mohammedan) Nation right here in America, formerly known, as Al-Morocco, aka, the North Gate. This country was not founded on Christianity, per the Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11: “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli . This country was founded on the science of ISLAM, because the Olmec Muurs from Mu/Mount Meru (mother Mary) were the first ones in Americas (see Olmecs and also see Washitaw Mu’urs) and they brought the science of I.S.L.A.M (Sufism/ Masonry) along with them.

There was an indigenous tribe of Moors in America called the Ben Ishmael Tribe. Their territory was Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and etc. These Muurs were the corn and wheat barons of the old world and this tribe was the Islamic equivalent to the Tribe of Israel, which makes sense because the Americas is Moslem-Jerusalem (Granada land):

This tribe was originally from Pennsylvania, because the capital for the Washitaw/ Lenapi Empire use to be in Philadelphia, but was later moved to Morocco, Indiana. Morocco, Indiana is the Morocco that first recognized the UNITED STATES by Sultan Mohammed Ben Abdallah, on 20 December 1777; because the Morocco in North Africa wasn’t established until 1956, therefore, the Morocco that first recognized the US in 1777 as a Nation, couldn’t have been the Morocco that was established in North Africa in 1956, because the 1956 Morocco was not around in 1777. The Morocco that it is referring to is Al-Morocco, which means the farthest most West. North America is a continent that is the farthest most West. Al-Morocco, the North Gate, aka, is an ancient Name for America. Please, read more about the Ben Ishmael Tribe here: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/1386675394730090.

The Morocco in North Africa wasn’t established officially until 1956, therefore, the Morocco that first recognized the US in 1777 as a Nation, couldn’t have been the Morocco that was established in North Africa in 1956, because the 1956 Morocco was not around in 1777. The Morocco that it is referring to is Morocco, Indiana (India) and/or Morocco, Illinois (see 1904 map), both of which were major trading hubs due to their connection to the Mississippi River and the great lakes and due to the other industries built around them; making them both centers of commerce and learning, as the 1904 map illustrates a thriving modern industry built around Morocco and Jerusalem.

The 1904 map is from Buxton and Skinner Company’s 1904 “Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904,” which shows you Morocco Illinois and Jerusalem, located in the heartland of North America (Asia Major). This map is a World’s Fair exhibit. This world’s fair was in St. Louis. The Louisiana purchase was land that was stolen from the Washitaw Muurs, aka, the Mound Builders: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-washitaw-moors-muurs/.

Here is a video of the Saint Louis World’s fair by researcher Jon Levi called, “The Inheritors of Cities,” just so you can get a glimpse of how this lower Mauritania, Arabia, Egypt area looked like: https://bit.ly/32pvDKY .  The world’s fair that they had all over the world in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was their excuse they had used to explain away all the fabulous Gothic and Greco-Roman architecture that the Muurs had built before the great comet of 1811, caused a great  mud-flood. It’s no way those were just temporary buildings just for show and it’s no way Europeans could have built them during the 1890’s, which means these buildings were built by a people (the Tartarians or Muurs) before the 1811-1812 cataclysmic event.

The heartland of America was lower Ancient Mauritania, lower Egypt, Greece, and ancient Arabia & the Middle East because of place names like Morocco, Indiana; Morocco, Illinois; Mecca, Indiana; Mahomet, Illinois; Makanda (Wakanda), Illinois; Wauconda, Illinois; Cairo, Illinois; Paris Indiana; Medina, Idaho; Medina, Ohio; Medina, Tennessee; Metropolis, Illinois; Thebes, Illinois; Dongola, Illinois; Palestine, Illinois; Lebanon, Illinois; New Athens, Illinois; Sparta, Illinois; Karnak, Illinois; Alexandria, Ohio; Memphis, Tennessee; Tanis Crescent; Tripoli, Wisconsin; New Madrid, Missouri; Mecca, Missouri; Gibraltar, Michigan; and etc.).

To prove the above paragraph as factual. I will use an example as if I was talking to a friend explaining to them our travel plans: “When we arrive in lower Egypt (North America), before we get to Lower Mauritania (mostly the Chicago and Indiana region) we go through Alexandria city in Egypt (Alexandria in Ohio) by Libya (Tripoli, Wisconsin) to our destination in Memphis Egypt (Memphis, TN). Now, on our way back home to the land of Canaan (Canada) we will stop by the river Tanis (Tanis Crescent, Ontario).” Amazing, how all these places are on both sides of the Planet, East and West, because the near East is just a reflection or a copy of the Americas, the Orient (East), and the True Old World. [Credit for the Alexandria, Ohio and Tanis Crescent research goes to my friend Tram Dickenson El].

Chicago, Illinois was another Mecca:

Chicago, Illinois was another Mecca [Mecca, Missouri; Mecca, Indiana; and Mecca, California], because it was the center of commerce and learning for the heartland of America. The immaculate Gothic and Greco-Roman Architecture once in Chicago suggest that it was the center or source (Mecca) of commerce and learning. Yes, pre-mud flood (1811-1812), Chicago would put the Vatican (Vedic Khan) City in Rome to shame with the beauty and sophistication of the Gothic and Greco-Roman Architecture that was once there. Goggle the 1893 Chicago’s World fair. Better yet here is a video about the 1893 Chicago’s World Fair in coloring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHpf_Pw6KZM. The World’s Fair of the World is where they put all of the Tartarian technology and buildings on displayed before they destroyed them to hide the previous advanced civilization of Berber Indians, aka, Blackamoors (Tartarians), because the fabulous buildings and tech did not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world.

The interesting thing about Illinois is that it was named after the Illini Tribe, which was part of the Illinois confederation. The Illinois confederation was composed of 12-13 Tribes. Illini means, “Best People,” or “Tribe of Superior Men,” this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. Yes, the Muurs were the first illuminated ones.

Please read more and support my research efforts by purchasing the ebook, “America is the True old World, Volume II,” for only $20.00 US dollars at this site. I thank you all for your time and support, and may God bless you and yours. Peace.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

The Americas is Ancient Egypt

Greetings friends, before reading this post, “The Americas is Ancient Egypt,” please read my previous post so that there is no doubt that the Americas is ancient Egypt, “10 Reasons why Ancient Egypt was in the Americas.” It’s a good read and the information all ties in with this post, so please do enjoy it. Thank you: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/10-reasons-why-ancient-egypt-was-in-the-americas/. Now, that we have read that valuable information in the blog link I shared, let’s get into this post, so that we can prove beyond a show of a doubt that the Americas is ancient Egypt.

Lower Ancient Egypt was in North America:

When discussing ancient Egypt, the focus has to be on the Nile River System of the White Nile and the Blue Nile, which is allegedly the longest river in the world at 4,132 miles long. However, when you combine the Mississippi (Miss-Isis) River System of the Missouri River (2,540 miles) and the Mississippi (2,340 miles) you will have a total length in miles of 4,890, which is 758 miles longer than the Nile River system that is in Africa. Yes, the Mississippi River system is the longest, which is strong indication that it was your first Nile River system. In this post is a image of the Mississippi River and its seven streams, as described in the book of Isaiah 11:15 KJV, “And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod.” Notice the seven streams that flow into the Tongue (mouth) of the Egyptian Sea (the Gulf of Mexico). In ancient times, the Gulf of Mexico was known as the Egyptian sea and the book of Isaiah 11:15 KJV bible proves that as factual.

Additional clues can be found with a quick study of the etymology of the name, “Missouri,” you will learn that it is just a corruption of Mizraim. Who was Mizraim? Well, Mizraim, according to the KJV Bible was the son of Ham, and he was the younger brother of Cush and the elder brother of Phut and Canaan (Phoenicians), whose families together made up the Hamite branch of Noah’s descendants. According to Wikipedia Mizraim means Egypt:

 “Mizraim (Hebrew: מִצְרַיִם‎ / מִצְרָיִם‎, Modern Mitzráyim [mitsˈʁajim] Tiberian Miṣrāyim / Miṣráyim [misˤˈrɔjim] \ [misˤˈrajim] ; cf. Arabic مصر, Miṣr) is the Hebrew and Aramaic name for the land of Egypt, with the dual suffix -āyim, perhaps referring to the “two Egypts”: Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Mizraim is the dual form of matzor, meaning a “MOUND” or “fortress,” the name of a people descended from Ham.[1] It was the name generally given by the Hebrews to the land of Egypt and its people.[2]. Neo-Babylonian texts use the term Mizraim for Egypt.”[3].

Notice in the quote above that I put emphasis on the word “Mound,”(pyramids?) because the Washitaw Muurs were known as the Mound Builders and the Ancient ones, and are considered to be the oldest indigenous people on the planet according to the UNITED NATIONS. You have Mounds found all over the Americas, but especially all up and down the Mississippi River. In fact, you have so many Mounds built along the Mississippi River that academics nicked the people that built them the Mississippi Mound builders. This is a very significant fact, because Mounds are associated with Mizraim, which is Egypt, according to the above quote. You have virtually no Mounds in Africa, therefore, the sheer number of Mounds in the Americas and pyramids (see image of Pyramids in North America) is a strong indication that the Americas is Mizraim (Egypt).

Pyramids are a symbol of Atlantis, according to the book, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian world, by Ignatius Donnelly, “The Pyramid. – Not only are the cross and the Garden of Eden identified with Atlantis, but in Atlantis, the habitation of the gods, we find the original model of all these pyramids which extend from India to Peru.” [end quote]. I must note that North America (Asia Major/ India Superior) by itself has more pyramids than all of Africa combined. Now, if we include all of the Americas (North, South, and Central) then it is not a contest anymore as far as who has the most pyramids. I presented this evidence already in Volume I of my book, “America is the true old World,  however, my book sample will prove my point that the Americas is Atlantis because it is way more pyramids (the symbol of Atlantis) in the Americas than in Africa: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/america-is-the-true-old-world/.

Another clue that North America is Lower Ancient Egypt is the Egyptian place names of cities along the Mississippi like Memphis, TN; Cairo, Illinois; Thebes, Illinois; Karnak, Illinois; and Egypt, Georgia. Illinois has a huge territory of land in Southern Illinois that is known as Little Egypt, but why? Could it be because that area was once little Egypt? I believe so because the Americas is the true old world. In fact, I know this to be factual, because my mother named me Eugene; therefore, I am Eugene by birth, so the same reasoning applies to cities or place names. I was always taught that if you created or founded a person, place, thing, or an ideal, and you gave it a name, that is what it is called.

Evidence to support the said place names is already given above in this chapter, but we do have more evidence with the ancient Egyptian artifacts found in Richard County, Illinois by Russell E. Burrows in 1982: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrows_Cave. The find is nicknamed the, “Burrows Cave,” named Burrows after its founder; however, mainstream academia dismisses the find as a hoax, because the find does not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

The interesting thing about Illinois is that it was named after the Illini Tribe, which was part of the Illinois confederation. The Illinois confederation was composed of 12-13 Tribes. Illini means, “Best People,” or “Tribe of Superior Men,” this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. Yes, the Muurs were the first illuminated ones.

Upper Ancient Egypt was in South America:

When discussing any civilization (modern or ancient), the focus must always be on a huge source of fresh water for agricultural purposes, because without food there is no civilization or life. Ancient Egypt thrived as a civilization, because of tech and because of the Nile River, which produced fertile lands, necessary for agriculture along the Nile, due to silt deposits. The Amazon is the largest and widest body of freshwater in the world with a length of 4000 miles long, allegedly. I said allegedly, because some scientist argue that the Amazon is also the longest river in the world if you add in the adjacent Pará estuary and the longest connecting tidal canal.[7] (See “Definition of length” at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_by_length). Yes, due the size of the Amazon River it fits the description of being the Upper Nile River, because the Lower Nile River was the Mississippi River System. This makes sense too if we apply the supreme Axiom of, “As above so below.”

Additional, evidence that South America is Upper Ancient Egypt is the sheer number of pyramids in South America. There is more Pyramids in Peru (Heru) than all of Africa combined. Now, if we include the pyramids in Central America it’s not even a contest anymore, because they have found thousands of pyramids in Guatemala, Mexico: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5343567/Thousands-Mayan-pyramids-palaces-Guatemala.html. Please, keep in mind that the pyramid is a symbol of Atlantis and Egypt, therefore, more pyramids on this side (the Americas) means that Egypt and Atlantis were in the Americas.

Upper Cush was in South America:

Best selling author Horace Butler, “When Rocks Cry Out,” proved that Upper Egypt extended from Mexico to Peru and he proved that Cusco, Peru was the Holy City of Jerusalem. I agree with him on these points. However, Cusco, Peru is also the Biblical land of Cush, aka, ancient Ethiopia, which is considered to be the birthplace of Ancient Egypt, because the first recorded Pharaoh was Narmer (Nimrod of the Bible), and he was a son of Cush or ancient Ethiopia. Narmer is given academic credit for founding Egypt because he was the first recorded Pharaoh. Etymologically, Cush and Cusco are the same because they have a very similar spelling. Phonetically, Cush and Cusco are the same because they have a similar sounding or pronunciation. Yes, based upon the evidence, Cush and Cusco are one and the same.

Who was Cush or Kush? “Cush or Kush (/kʊʃ, kʌʃ/ Hebrewכּוּשׁ‎ Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈkuʃ], Kush) was, according to the Bible, the eldest son of Ham, a son of Noah. Cush or Kush means Black. He was the brother of Canaan (land of Canaan), Mizraim (Egypt) and Phut (land of Libya), and the father of the biblical Nimrod mentioned in the “Table of Nations” in Genesis 10:6 and I Chronicles 1:8. Cush is traditionally considered the eponymous ancestor of the people of the “land of Cush,” an ancient territory that is believed to have been located on either side or both sides of the Red Sea. As such, “Cush” is alternately identified in scripture with the Kingdom of Kush or ancient Ethiopia.[1] The Cushitic languages are named after Cush.” [End quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cush_(Bible)].

What does Cush mean in its Spanish equivalent of Cusco/ Cuzco? “Cuzco, whose name derives from a Quechua word meaning “NAVEL” or “CENTRE,” dates from the 11th or 12th century and was the capital of Tawantinsuyu (“Realm of the Four Parts”), an empire that by the late 15th century extended to the northwest some 1,100 miles (1,800 km), reaching approximately to the northern border of present-day Ecuador, and to the south 1,600 miles (2,600 km), reaching the centre of present-day Chile, as well as to the southeast to portions of modern Bolivia and Argentina. The population of the empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in the 1530s, may have numbered more than 12 million. The city itself had tens of thousands of inhabitants, perhaps as many as 200,000. Cuzco and the surrounding area contain extensive Inca ruins that reflect great skill in engineering, stonework, and architecture. Still extant are numerous walls built without mortar; their stones were cut in irregular shapes and fitted with such precision that a matchbox cover cannot be inserted into most seams. The famous Stone of Twelve Angles is a fine example of this construction. The original streets of Cuzco are narrow and frequently stepped.” [End Quote from https://www.britannica.com/place/Cuzco].

In this post is a 16th Century Wall mural, Cusco, Andes Mts (see figure 46). This wall mural vividly displays images of the Coppertone Inca civilization and the power of the supreme Inca, the ruler of the state. Cusco was the capital city of the Inca Empire, and was known to them as Tahuantinsuyo, “the place where the four corners of the world joined together.” Interesting thing is that the underlined description sounds like the Lower Garden of Eden in Lower Ethiopia (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole), because you can see where the 4 corners of the world or the 4 land masses join together around the Tree of life or the Kaba (Mecca), or the Virgin Mother Mu/ MR/ Mauri/Mary.

The above description of Cush (Cusco) is significant because according to the Bible the Garden of Eden is in the land of Cush (Ethiopia). What is even more interesting is that the Upper Garden of Eden in South America, “Mount Roraima,” aka, the Tree of Life, which is the highest point in Guyana (Ghana) is within close proximity of Cusco, Peru (Heru). Mount Roraima is nicknamed the Tree of Life because it was once a mighty tree that reached up into the heavens and it produced every fruit and vegetable in the world. This mighty tree was cut down according to indigenous legend. Mount Roraima is also the source of freshwater for 3 mighty Rivers, one of which is the Amazon River (the upper Nile River). Scholar Kurimeo Ahau came to the same conclusion that Mount Roraima sits in the myhical Garden of Eden in his video, “Pt. 2 Untold Ancient American Truth/ Garden of Eden/ First Civilized/ Atlantis,” which is embedded in this blog post for your convenience.

Peru is Heru since it was the Holy City of Heru-Salem. This is true because in Greek and in Latin Jerusalem translates to Hierousalem (Greek: Ἱεροσόλυμα; in Greek hieròs, ἱερός, means holy). Please keep in mind that there is no Greek language because Greek is just the Egyptian Coptic language (Gnostic texts), according to Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan. Also, there is no J in Hebrew, which means that the J, which is only about 500 years old, can be replaced with a [I]Y, H, or a P, because in Hebrew they have the same numerical value. Let us see what happens when you do so: PERU-salem, Yeru-salem, and HERU-salem.

Hero or Heru (Horus), Peru, and Hiero/ Helio/ Holy all lead back to Ancient Egypt. Heru and Hiero is a given because we all know that has ancient Egypt written all over it, but Peru is not Egypt, or is it the Egypt of the West? This YouTube video shows you so many similarities between Egypt and Peru that it is too many to be just coincidental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CKH-QO0kCI&feature=share. To support this video, because videos can be deleted, I give you the book, “When Rocks Cry Out,” by Horace Butler that demonstrates that Upper Egypt extended from Mexico to Peru. Yes, Peru, was indeed Heru, which is more evidence that Upper Egypt was in South America.

Hero or Heru (Horus) was the Egyptian Jesus while his father Asur (Osiris) was the Holy Father or Christ. Mry-Aset (Mary-Isis) was the Holy Ghost or the Virgin Mother Mary that gave birth to Heru without the aid of his Father Osiris, therefore, Heru was conceived through immaculate conception. The Holy Trinity of Osiris (father), Isis (Mother), and Horus (Son) is one of the world’s first recorded trinities. In fact, the Christian trinity is based off the Egyptian Trinity according to the History Textbook, “The Outline of History,” by H. G. Wells. Yes, Peru was indeed the Holy City, because it is the Holy City of Heru (Jesus), who is the Egyptian son of God.

Lower Cush was in North America:

Now that we know for sure that Cusco, Peru (Heru) was the land of Cush in the Upper Garden of Eden. There must be a Lower Cush since there is an Upper Cush in South America. This has to be true since the supreme axiom is ‘the law of correspondence’: “As above so below.” Based upon this law of correspondence, Lower Cush must be somewhere in North America, but where? Well, we have a clue because the land of Cush is associated with the (lower) Garden of Eden, which was the Arctic North Pole or Mount Meru (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole). This means that the land of Cush must be somewhere in the uppermost region of North America.

Place names like Cuzco (Cush), Indiana is a strong indication that lower Cush was Cuzco, Indiana (India); because ancient people gave people and places names after certain qualities or traits. Also, Cuzco or Cusco as we already known is the Spanish or Latinized way of saying Cush. Additionally, they admit that this Cuzco, Indiana was named or patterned after Cusco, Peru in South America, in 1905: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuzco,_Indiana. Please avoid the hijack when reading the link, because Cuzco, Indiana is ancient, since America is the True Old World. A previous civilization of Atlanteans/ Egyptians gave that area that name long before Europeans came to the Americas and Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt seems to thick the same thing: https://www.facebook.com/delvinjihad.lawson/videos/614843569175431/.

Bobby Hemmitt quotes from the book, “Ice: The Ultimate Disaster,” by Richard Noone. According to this book you had ancient Egyptians in Maine that were writing hieroglyphics in the 1700’s; Memphis, Tennessee was named from Egyptians that traveled to that land; and in Oklahoma in the 1800’s, a stele of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amunhotep IV, aka, Moses of the Bible) was found before they knew who Akhenaton was. Additionally, in the book, “America BC,” by Barry Fell, there is an alabaster egg of a cartouche of King Tut found in Idaho.

Also, Cuzco, Indiana has to be the Lower land of Cush since we have the lower Garden of Eden as the Arctic North Pole, aka, Mount Meru (see figures 14 and 16), lower Egypt, and lower Ghana all in North America. The Garden of Eden was in the land of Cush according to the Bible, so yes Cuzco, Indiana is the lower land of Cush, which covered. Upper and Lower Cush were like main centers or capitals because the Land of Cush in ancient times was the entire Civilized world, which was the Americas, Euro-Asia, and Africa. Before it was called the land of Cush it was called the Land of Ham. Ham is the father of Cush according to the Bible.

Names like Cush (land of the Blacks), Ethiopia (burnt face), and Egypt (burnt faces) are all referring to the dark of Black lands and its burnt (dark) or Black skinned inhabitants. “The Egyptians and the Ethiopians are too BLACK” …Aristotle, 350 B.C.E (Physiognomies).

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source https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-americas-is-ancient-egypt/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-americas-is-ancient-egypt