Peace friends, this post, “Ancient Ghana is Guyana: the first Gold Coast was in South America,” is not intended to take away from any of the glorious history of Africa. This post is intended to demonstrate that the first Ghana or ancient Ghana was in South America near the Amazon region. This post is necessary to demonstrate that America is the True Old world and I hope you all enjoy.
In this post is old world maps from the 1500’s and 1600’s that shows you Ghana/Guana/Guinea/Guiana/Gviana, which is now present-day Guyana, in South America near the Amazon region.
Why was Guyana, the Ghana of the West, the first Gold Coast? Well, because the capital city of Guiana/Guyana (Ghana) was the famed golden city of Manoa El Dorado, which was very real as you can see it on three of the Old-world maps that I shared in this blog post. The testimony of 2 or more witnesses is truth according to the Bible and Common Law. Why would El Dorado be a myth when it’s on several old maps? “It is in the mythical that we have the truth” ~ Greek proverb.
Also, here is a Google search link with plenty of old world maps to prove that even the mythical golden city of El Dorado was very real: https://www.google.com/search… . As you can see when you click on the link I gave, El dorado was very real, because it’s too many old world maps that verify its existence. El Dorado was found in Mount Roraima. Mount Roraima is in south America near Guyana (Ghana) and is considered to be the mythical tree of life that was in the Garden of Eden. Read more about Mount Roraima right here: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/1957812580949699.
Manoa means big lake, because the City of Manoa El Dorado got its source of gold from the famed lake Parime, which was very real too because you can see it on many old-world maps too. This is what English Explorer Sir Walter Raleigh had to say about El Dorado:
“I have been assured by such of the Spaniards as have seen Manoa, the imperial city of Guiana, which the Spaniards call El Dorado, that for the greatness, for the riches, and for the excellent seat, it far exceedeth any of the world, at least of so much of the world as is known to the Spanish nation. It is founded upon a lake of salt water of 200 leagues long, like unto Mare Caspium.
According to Raleigh, the lake itself was the source of the gold possessed by the people of Manoa:
Most of the gold which they made in plates and images was not severed from the stone, but on the lake of Manoa, and in a multitude of other rivers, they gathered it in grains of perfect gold and in pieces as big as small stones.” [End quote from his books The Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana, published first in 1596, and The Discovery of Guiana, and the Journal of the Second Voyage Thereto, published in 1606.]
As a result of Raleigh’s work, maps began to appear depicting El Dorado and Lake Parime. One of the first was the elder Jodocus Hondius’ Nieuwe Caerte van het Wonderbaer ende Goudrycke Landt Guiana, which was published in 1598. Hondius’ map depicts an elongated Lake Parime south of the Orinoco River, with the majority of the lake positioned south of the equator, and with Manoa on the northern shore, towards the eastern half of the lake. Manoa is noted as “the greatest city in the entire world“. Hondius’ map was subsequently copied by Theodore de Bry and published in his popular Grands Voyages in 1599. When Hondius published a completely revised edition of Mercator’s Atlas in 1608, it included a map of South America featuring Lake Parime with the majority of the lake located south of the equator, and with Manoa again along the northern shore, although not quite so far east.
What happened to Lake Parime? Well, one theory is that Lake Parime did actually exist, and was drained abruptly in June 1690 when an intensity IX (Violent) earthquake opened a bedrock fault, forming a rift or a graben that permitted the water to flow into the Rio Branco. Yes, the Old World looked very different than we know it today and we owe that to a series of cataclysmic events that changed the geography of the world.
The Americas is the Promised Land/Israel, aka, Granada, due to its abundance in resources. The famed seven golden cities of Cibola was even real: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/2527399080657710.
Guyana (Ghana) is also very rich in Oil, aka, Black Gold:
The South American country of Guyana (Ghana) has entered the new decade as an oil producer with a total of 18 discoveries made since 2015. There also remains massive potential for more discoveries from ongoing and planned exploration campaigns. Reports indicate that for the year 2019, Guyana was able to overtake Russia as the world’s highest oil producer: https://www.inewsguyana.com/guyana-overtakes-russia-as-worlds-top-oil-discoveries-for-2019/?fbclid=IwAR1hauEERbQuVPasB0wUI8oBQkcO-ono6DsxDNTEr9z6Aacw7uvxiYFR1cA.
“Most of the world’s gold comes from South America, so it’s no surprise that the first Gold Coast was also in South America.” Also, the invasion had nothing to do with race, it had everything to do with land and wealth, because the Americas had the riches soil (soul) and we literally had cities and kingdoms of gold. Read this Facebook post I did that demonstrates that Christopher Columbus and company, Amerigo Vespucci, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and King James of the Bible were all melanated (Black) Roman Jews (Hebrews) under the Catholic faith, aka, Knights templars, that were authorized to invaded the Americas, via, the Dum Diversa of 1452: https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/3027911943939752. Yes, all roads lead back to Rome.
Both Guyana (Ghana) and Granada were two Muurish civilizations that were strongholds for the Mu’urs from Mu/Atlantis (the Americas), so we are dealing with Blackamoor civilizations here. Mu is code for Mu’urs and Mu also means Mother. Also, in this post is an old-world map of Guinea (Ghana) showing you the first Senegal and Timbuctoo, because the second Senegal and Timbuctoo are in Africa, since America is the True Old World. This old-world map also shows you the Bey of Benin. What’s interest about Benin is that it is a Country in West Africa that is heavily associated with Ghana, Africa and Nigeria, Africa. This map also shows you the Niger (Nigerian) river, Liberia, and Sierra Leone – all of which are in Africa. All of this evidence suggests that Guyana (Ghana) and Senegal was once upper Mauritania, because this area is now called Southern Mauritania in Africa today. Please read this related blog post, “The Americas is Atlantis and the Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization, because this blog post has an Old world map of Mauritania being in South America: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-americas-was-atlantis-and-the-origin-of-the-ancient-egyptian-civilization/.
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source https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-ghana-is-guyana/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ancient-ghana-is-guyana