America is the Old World is a business dedicated to Ancient American History, Ancient Civilizations, Black History, Indigenous Culture, and private remedies. This business was inspired by my new history book, “America is the True Old World, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey.
This is the First Compass, aka, the original compass and as you can see the Far East is actually the West. Yes, they flipped the maps on us. This is copyrighted material so I claim Fair use for educational purposes. This image is from Buxton and Skinner Company's 1904 "Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904
Old Canaan and ancient Egypt
This is a map of Old Canaan and ancient Egypt. As you can see the Biblical land of Canaan was in South America and ancient Egypt was in North America, which was known as the Orient (East), India Superior, and/or Asia Major. I have sources to authenticate this map too, because I have already written blog posts proving that "Ancient Mesopotamia was in the Americas," and "Ancient Egypt was in the Americas," which gives credence to this map as being factual. Plus, there is an area in South America near Guyana (Ghana) named, "Egypt Land of Canaan." Yes, Canaan (son of Ham/ Cush), aka, the Phoenicians, give birth the Ancient Egypt in North America. This is also Historically correctly too, according to Western academia since Cush or Ethiopia gave birth to Ancient Egypt in the North.
Canaan Valley State Park Trail map
This is a map of the Canaan Valley State Park Trail in Canaan Valley, West Virginia.
The Biblical Land of Old Canaan
This map shows you the Biblical Land of Old Canaan in the New World. The state of New HAMpshire has some interesting history, since the Biblical land of Canaan, Lebanon, and Goshen was in New HAM-shire (Hampshire) in North America, since it fits the description of the land of Canaan from the Bible: "But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason that land is named Canaan." —Jubilees 10:29-34. "God brought his people out from Goshen to the land of milk and honey and drove out the enemy before them with hornets (bees)." - Deut: 7:20; Joshua 24:12. Additionally, there is a Canaan, Goshen, and a Lebanon in the State of Oregon.
Old canaan in the New World
Old canaan in the New World, is a book that demonstrates that Native Americans descend from the 12 tribes of Israel.
“Old Canaan in the New World,” is a blog that features the book, “Old Canaan in a New World: Native Americans and the Lost Tribes of Israel,” since this is book questions whether the indigenous Americans were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel.
Here is the book summary, “From the moment Europeans realized Columbus had landed in a place unknown to them in 1492, they began speculating about how the Americas and their inhabitants fit into the Bible. For many, the most compelling explanation was the Hebraic Indian theory, which proposed that indigenous Americans were the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel. For its proponents, the theory neatly explained why this giant land and its inhabitants were not mentioned in the Biblical record.
In Old Canaan in a New World, Elizabeth Fenton shows that though the Hebraic Indian theory may seem far-fetched today, it had a great deal of currency and significant influence over a very long period of American history. Indeed, at different times the idea that indigenous Americans were descended from the lost tribes of Israel was taken up to support political and religious positions on diverse issues including Christian millennialism, national expansion, trade policies, Jewish rights, sovereignty in the Americas, and scientific exploration.
Through analysis of a wide collection of writings—from religious texts to novels—Fenton sheds light on a rarely explored but important part of religious discourse in early America. As the Hebraic Indian theory evolved over the course of two centuries, it revealed how religious belief and national interest intersected in early American history.” [End quote from book summary from Amazon:…/dp/B07ZKVNC6X].
I love the book cover because the Author is telling you that that the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life is in the New World (the Americas). Notice that the Book cover has the Tree of life, Mother mary, or the Kaaba in the Center, which is surrounded by four pillars that signify the four rivers of life that flow into the Garden of Eden. Read more about the Garden of Eden right here please:
The state of New HAMpshire has some interesting history, since the Biblical land of Canaan, Lebanon, and Goshen was in New HAM-shire (Hampshire) in North America, since it fits the description of the land of Canaan from the Bible: “But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason that land is named Canaan.” —Jubilees 10:29-34. “God brought his people out from Goshen to the land of milk and honey and drove out the enemy before them with hornets (bees).” – Deut: 7:20; Joshua 24:12. Additionally, there is a Canaan, Goshen, and a Lebanon in the State of Oregon.
We also have a Canada in North America, which was named after the Canaanites or the Khananland Muurs from Wa-Canada (Wakhanda). Let’s not forget the Canaan Valley State Park located in Canaan Valley, West virginia. Lastly, the grand Canyon was named after the Khanaanites/ Canaanites, since Canyon is a derivative of Kan or Can, which is short for Canaan or Canaan-on (Canyon). In this post is a map of South America being listed as Canaan and ancient Egypt as North America, and I have sources to authenticate it, since Ancient Mesopotamia was in the Americas:, and so was ancient Egypt in the Americas:
As you can see by viewing the map of Old Canaan and ancient Egypt, the Biblical land of Canaan was in South America and ancient Egypt was in North America, which was known as the Orient (East), India Superior, and/or Asia Major. I have sources to authenticate this map too, because I have already written blog posts proving that “Ancient Mesopotamia was in the Americas,” and “Ancient Egypt was in the Americas,” which gives credence to this map as being factual. Plus, there is an area in South America near Guyana (Ghana) named, “Egypt Land of Canaan”: Yes, Canaan (son of Ham/ Cush), aka, the Phoenicians, give birth the Ancient Egypt in North America. This is also Historically correctly too, according to Western academia since Cush or Ethiopia gave birth to Ancient Egypt in the North.
America is the Land of Milk & Honey, or the Promised land of Israel (Granada land): This means that Old Canaan, Egypt, Jerusalem, Sumer, Babylon, and etc., was in the Americas, since the Americas is the land of the Bible and the true Far East. In this post is the original compass before it was flipped around to deceive us and the World. This original compass was taken from Buxton and Skinner Company’s 1904 “Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904. The East is associated with the land of the Bible and the Old World, therefore, since the Americas is the Far East, the Americas is the true old World. Peace.
Hercules slaying the dragon in the garden of the Hesperides or the Garden of Eden that is guarding the Golden Apples of the Hesperides from theft, since these apples if eaten makes man a god.
The Atlantis Insula
1661 Sanson map of America as the Atlantis Insula. This map shows you that the Caribbean Islands were listed as the Hesperides. The Hesperides is significant because Hercules from the Pillars of Hercules on his quest to the garden of the Hesperides or the Garden of Eden.
Map of the Rock of Gibraltar - Distance of 14 miles apart, so yes we do have two big rocks in the area known as New Gibraltar Square. These two big Rocks are the famed pillars of Hercules of Greek myth. The Rock of Gibraltar is Stone Mountain Georgia while the Arabia Mountain is the other Pillar known as Jebel Musa.
The Rock of Gibraltar and Jebel Musa
The Rock of Gibraltar and Jebel Musa (the Arabia Mountain) are two big rocks or pillars that are 14 miles apart, which suggests that these big rocks are the famed Pillars of Hercules of Greek myth. Look at how advanced the building grid is in this area, which suggest that a previous advanced civilization of Blackamoors once lived there. The building grid also suggest that the both pillars of Hercules were once Huge building structures that served a important purpose.
The Rock of Gibraltar
The Rock of Gibraltar in stone Mountain Georgia, as seen from the lake that surrounds it.
The Rock of Gibraltar is stone mountain Georgia was first revealed to me from a beauty melanite (dark) woman on youtube named “Unpacked with Ja’Nese.” She made a youtube video called “Breaking News: Stone Mountain is Gibraltar.” That video is embedded in this blog for your convenience. The said video is significant since the sister shows you a rare map of Georgia from the 1800’s that she paid $1400 dollars for that shows you that the Rock of Gibraltar is Stone Mountain Georgia, since the area was known as Gibraltar and you have two big rocks in that area. This interesting thing that I noticed about the Stone Mountain Georgia area is that in our present day time that area is known as New Gibraltar Square. This fact gives credence to the rare map that the beauty sister has blessed us with when she made her video, “Breaking News: Stone Mountain is Gibraltar.”
This rare map also shows you BeerSheba, Georgia. You can still find Beersheba, Georgia on modern day maps. Beersheba is a Biblical city of Israel founded in 4000 BC, which is the fourth largest city in southern Israel. The sister mentions in her video the prophet Elijah came to Beersheba. She is right too, according to the KJV Bible Prophet Elijah fled to Beersheba, which belonged to Judah, “And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.” ~ 1 Kings 19:3.
The sister mentions that the Rock of Gibraltar is associated with the Greek god Hercules, but who is Hercules? Well, Hercules was a Greek god that was the son of the Greek god Zeus, which makes Hercules half man and half god, since he was the Greek son of god or a Hero/ Heru (Horus). Hercules was a great Hero/ Heru (HERCU-les) that possessed superhuman strength, and he was able to perform 12 great labors, since he was the son of the Greek god Zeus. The 12 labors is the Sun/ Son (Hercules) going through each month of the year or each sign of the zodiac. The sister in the video is right again, because if you read, “The Pillars of Hercules,” the Rock of Gibraltar who was one of the Pillars of Hercules and is a portal or a gateway: In ancient times, the Pillars of Hercules was said to be located in the westernmost extremity of the inhabitable world. This description sounds like the Pillars of Hercules (one of the pillars is the Rock of Gibraltar) is located in the Americas, because in ancient times the Americas was known as the Westernmost extremity of the world, the land beyond, or the WEST.
Also, if you read the History of the Pillars of Hercules, Plato, a great Greek philosopher, gave us a clue that the Pillars of Hercules is located near Atlantis (the Americas). Here is evidence that the Americas is Atlantis: Here is a quote from the “History of the Pillars of Hercules”: “Plato placed the fictional island of Atlantis beyond the “Pillars of Hercules”.[4] Renaissance tradition says the pillars bore the warning Ne plus ultra (also Non plus ultra, “nothing further beyond”), serving as a warning to sailors and navigators to go no further.[5]
According to some Roman sources,[6] while on his way to the garden of the Hesperides on the island of Erytheia, Hercules had to cross the mountain that was once Atlas. Instead of climbing the great mountain, Hercules used his superhuman strength to smash through it. By doing so, he connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and formed the Strait of Gibraltar. One part of the split mountain is Gibraltar and the other is either Monte Hacho or Jebel Musa. These two mountains taken together have since then been known as the Pillars of Hercules, though other natural features have been associated with the name.[7]Diodorus Siculus, however, held that, instead of smashing through an isthmus to create the Straits of Gibraltar, Hercules “narrowed” an already existing strait to prevent monsters from the Atlantic Ocean from entering the Mediterranean Sea.[8] In some versions, Heracles instead built the two to hold the sky away from the earth, liberating Atlas from his damnation.”[End quote from Wikipedia, “History of the Pillars of Hercules”].
According to the history of the Pillars of Hercules, Hercules on his way to the Garden of the Hesperides (the West, or the Garden of Eden), smashed through the Atlas Mountain and formed the Strait of Gibraltar. One part of the split mountain is the Rock of Gibraltar and the other is either Monte Hacho or Jebel Musa. These two mountains taken together have since then been known as the Pillars of Hercules. This means that the pillars of Hercules were formed as a result of Hercules on his quest to the garden of the Hesperides or the Garden of Eden, so knowing were the Hesperides is located at is key in the location of the pillars of Hercules.
In this post is a 1661 Sanson map of the Atlantis Insula, and as you can see the Caribbean Islands is listed as the Hesperides Insula. The Caribbean Islands is an extension of North America (the adjoining islands), but is considered to be part of Central America now. This means that the Central Garden of the Hesperides or the Central Garden of Eden is the Caribbean Islands. This makes perfect sense, since we already know that we have a lower garden of Eden or lower Hesperides in North America and a corresponding upper Garden of Eden or upper Hesperides in South America. To confirm my statements as factual, please read my blog, “Ethiopia: America is the True Old World, Vol. II – Paperback”: The blog post also demonstrates that the Americas is Ancient Ethiopia (India), so enjoy this good read.
In this post is a image of the Blackamoor Hercules wearing the skin of a mighty giant lion that he had killed with has bare hands on his quest to the garden of the Hesperides. The lion is symbolic of God because it poses strength, beauty, wisdom, and courage. This is why the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs would refer to themselves as the lion kings (the sphinx), because they would embody those attributes of God: strength, beauty, wisdom, and courage.
Also, notice in the image the club Hercules is using to smite the dragon of the lower self, which is also a custom that came from ancient Egypt, since it was Pharaoh Narmer/ Nimrod that was first depicted on the walls of ancient Egypt Smiting an enemy with a club while wearing the mighty Jaguar/ leopard skin (the Black panther or Hero). I also have images of the Blackamoor Hercules wearing the Jaguar’s skin, which symbolizes a mighty hunter/ mighty warrior, so could the lion skin and Jaguar skin be interchangeable? I believe this to be the case, since both cats have the same attributes of God and both cats are kings. The Lion is the King of Africa while the Jaguar is the king of the Americas. I put emphasis on the skins, because the lion and the jaguar skin of the Magi priest-king or dragon-king, aka, superheros, became the cape of the kings and queens that currently rule the world.
I Keep mentioning ancient Egypt because ancient Greece was a colony of ancient Egypt and all of the Greek gods were copied off of the ancient Egyptian gods. The Greeks and their Greek gods were Blackamoors: This blog post also demonstrates that ancient Greece and ancient Rome was in the Americas.
The image in this post shows Hercules in the Garden of the Hesperides smiting a dragon that is protecting the Golden Apples. In ancient times dragons always guarded things of importance, like treasures for an example. The Golden apples of the Hesperides are said that if eaten one will attain supreme enlightenment and have everlasting life, so yes… these golden apples were extremely important and sacred (Holy). The Greek tale of Jason and the Argonauts is similar, since Jason had to defeat a dragon that was guarding the golden Fleece: This Facebook post I did proves that the News Media is Medea. Medea was the Greek goddess of gossip and chaos.
Notice that the dragon that Hercules and Jason both had to defeat was wrapped or spirals in a circle (circuit) around the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden. The wrapping of the serpent or dragon around the tree of life, or the Caduceus is symbolic of free energy, which is everlasting life: Our DNA is also a serpent that spirals/ wraps to generate free energy. Whenever you have a spiral it creates a vortex of free energy that can be harnessed. The word Spirit comes from the word Spiral. Spirit mean energy. Energy is God according to scientist, since it is indestructible and always around us and it is this energy or spirit (Spiral) that makes all life move.
In this post is a image of the Rock of Gibraltar from the strait or lake that surrounds it. You can see the reflection of it on the water too. It was always the custom of the Moors or the Tartars to build around water for extra protection and for the purposes of harnessing free energy. The Rock of Gibraltar is Moorish (Islamic) and it was named after a Moor named Tariq ibn-Ziyad, but what interests me the most is the suffix of Gibr-altar, which is Altar. An Alter is a place or Worship, usually in the form of a dome shape or a pyramid in ancient times.
When I look at the Rock of Gibraltar it appears to be a ancient place of worship that was either a dome or a Mayan step pyramid that was ruined due to man trying to suppress history, and due to a global heat event that cooked buildings and other weather conditions that petrified huge building structures into stone mountains: The Youtube video I just shared is from a youtube channel called, “When the Buildings Cried.” The name of the youtube video is “When Buildings cried and turned into stone from a world wide heat event.” This video gives overwhelming evidence to suggest that most of our Mountains were once huge buildings that melted. When you look at the Grand Canyon this is certainly the case, because I see melted buildings all throughout the grand canyon. Check out the other videos on this youtube channel if you need more evidence.
Also the building grid around the Rock of Gibraltar suggest that it was once a building that was the source or center of the building grid in that area. In this post is a image of Stone Mountain Georgia, the Arabia Mountain, and the Arabia High School. Notice the advanced building grid in the area, but it is now mostly covered by trees, but you can still see the layout of the previous advanced civilization of Blackamoors that once lived their and still do live their, because Dekalb county is still a predominantly Moorish (Black) County and it is only a 18 minute drive from the Greek (Creek) Atlanta, Georgia, which also is a predominately Blackamoor City. This evidence all ties in because the original Arabs and Turks were Blackamoors: This blog post demonstrates the the original Arabs and Turks were Blackamoors, and this post shows you the strong connection between Islam and judaism, since this blog link shows you ancient Islamic coins of the Lion of Judah and the 6 pointed Star of David that belonged to the Turks/ Moors. Yes, the Moors or Turks were Jews or Hebrews with Islamic customs.
I have another image of Stone Mountain Georgia (the Rock of Gibraltar) and the Arabia mountain (Jebel Musa) that shows you the close distance between both of these stone mountains or Pillars of Hercules, which is only 14 miles apart, so yes we do have two big rocks in that area as the sister mentioned in her great video. This means that the Arabia mountain has to be the other Pillar of Hercules, which was called Monte Hacho or Jebel Musa by the Moors or the Turks.
Also, notice on the same map image you have a Jersey, Georgia. Jersey is short for Jerusalem. When viewing the said map you will also notice cities with Moorish or Arabic place names like Tucker (Turk) and Lithonia (Lithuania). Lithuania was established by the Turks or the Moors and used to be part of Russia. Rus-Asian (Russia) was established by the Andrews/ Andros/ Ros/ Ras/ Russ family from Scotland when this family were still Saracens (Moors). Evidence of this fact is the Moorish flag that the Russians still claim as their own with the Red Background and the Islamic crescent Moon and Star, and the Tartarian or Moorish architecture (Gothic architecture) found all throughout Russia; which suggests that Moors (Blacks) once ruled Russia. The Andrews family were descendants of Saint Andrew, the first apostle, and this family crest is represented by the Saracen’s head or the Moor’s head:
Yes.., so-called Blacks in the Americas are really Jews/ Hebrews with Islamic customs, aka, Turks or Moors (Berbers). This makes sense because Christopher Columbus came to the Americas to capture Moslem-Jerusalem and the Americas was called Granada land (Israel or the Promised land) as a whole. We all know that Granada was a Moorish stronghold and the term Saracen pertains solely to Moors: This blog post proves that Granada land (the promised land of Israel) was the Americas and that it was a Moorish stronghold.
Lithuania today is still predominantly a Muslim Country of Turks and so is its partner Georgia in Europe. We have a strong connection with place names between the European and the American Georgia and Lithonia (Lithuania), so did the same American (Al-mor-roco=Al-Meri-khan=American) Moors or Turks establish the Georgia and Lithuania in Europe as a reflection of what they already had in the Americas? Yes.., they did because civilization came from the Americas and spread out to the rest of the world (see Home page of this website or either read the Book sample of America is the True old World).
Why is the European Georgia and Lithuania still Islamic and the American version consists of Blackamoors that are mostly christians? Well, because we all know that most Blackamoors in the Americas have been indoctrinated to be Christians, via, the edict of the Worms (dragons) issued by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, which banned Islam in the late 1400’s; plus the dum diversa of 1452 (the doctrine of Discovery), which authorized Christians to take land and possessions or Saracens and pagans. Yes, the Moors or Turks of the Americas were forced to convert to christianity or be killed when the Americas were invaded by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and company, in the early 1500’s. Likewise, the Moors of spain were treated the same way.
The rare map in the video also shows you Lebanon, Georgia, which is a Biblical city that is mentioned over 71 times in the KJV Bible. You can find Lebanon Georgia on modern day maps too, but the area has now become part of Holly Springs. The Biblical Lebanon was established by the phoenicians (Canaanites). The Phoenicians/ Canaanites were moslem Moors with Hebrew Israelite customs. Lebanon today is still mostly a Arab or a Islamic State in the Middle East. The interesting thing about Lebanon…, is that in several instances, the Old Testament claims the land of Lebanon as part of the territory of Israel (Deuteronomy 1:7, 3:25, 11:24; Joshua 1:4, 11:17, 13:6; 1 Kings 9:19 par; Chronicles 8:6; Zechariah 10:10). In other instances, the writers of the Old Testament think of Lebanon as the northern boundary of the land God promised to his people (Joshua 1:4, 9:1f., 11:17, 12:7, 13:5; Judges 3:3). In two instances (Joshua 13:5; Song of Songs 4:8), “Lebanon” is used to describe all the hill country in middle Syria. We also have a Lebanon, Canaan (Phoenicians), and Goshen in New Hampshire: All of which are Biblical cities that are associated with the Children of Israel. We also have a Shiloh, Georgia, and Jerusalem, Georgia, which are both Biblical cities that are heavily associated with the Children of Israel.
Georgia is Cherokee Territory and the name Georgia is also a Greek name. The Cherokee (the Cherry Tree: Ole glory, i.e., the Moroccan flag) were Moors that ran the South and owned white slaves. The Confederate flag was the flag of the Iroquois confederation and it was the Battle flag for the Moors who owned and ran the South:
More evidence that the Cherokee were Moors is Cherokee Gothic Architecture. Gothic Architecture is a Tartarian or a Moorish mode of workmanship, according to the master text, “A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages”: More evidence that the Cherokee are Moors is my family ancestry, since I am a descendant of Ishmael Chavis, who was a Cherokee Indian Chief from North Carolina in the late 1700’s. Also Prophet Noble Drew Ali was from the Cherokee Indian Tribe.
Additionally, this July 1996, “Article,” I found from Message Magazine called, “Digging for the Red Roots,” confirms that the Cherokee were Moslem Mu’urs/ Berbers: “My name is Mahir Abdal-Razzaaq El and I am a Cherokee Blackfoot American Indian who is Muslim. I am known as Eagle Sun Walker. I serve as a Pipe Carrier Warrior for the Northeastern Band of Cherokee Indians in New York City.
There are other Muslims in our group. For the most part, not many people are aware of the Native American contact with Islam that began over one thousand years ago by some of the early Muslim travelers who visited us. Some of these Muslim travelers ended up living among our people.
For most Muslims and non-Muslims of today, this type of information is unknown and has never been mentioned in any of the history books. There are many documents, treaties, legislation and resolutions that were passed between 1600s and 1800s that show that Muslims were in fact here and were very active in the communities in which they lived. Treaties such as Peace and Friendship that was signed on the Delaware River in the year 1787 bear the signatures of Abdel-Khak and Muhammad Ibn Abdullah. This treaty details our continued right to exist as a community in the areas of commerce, maritime shipping, current form of government at that time which was in accordance with Islam. According to a federal court case from the Continental Congress, we help put the breath of life into the newly framed constitution. All of the documents are presently in the National Archives as well as the Library of Congress.
If you have access to records in the state of South Carolina, read the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. In a future article, Inshallah, I will go into more details about the various tribes, their languages; in which some are influenced by Arabic, Persian, Hebrew words. Almost all of the tribes vocabulary include the word Allah. The traditional dress code for Indian women includes the kimah and long dresses. For men, standard fare is turbans and long tops that come down to the knees. If you were to look at any of the old books on Cherokee clothing up until the time of 1832, you will see the men wearing turbans and the women wearing long head coverings. The last Cherokee chief who had a Muslim name was Ramadhan Ibn Wati (see Figure 34) of the Cherokees in 1866.
Cities across the United States and Canada bear names that are of Indian and Islamic derivation. Have you ever wondered what the name Tallahassee means? It means that He Allah will deliver you sometime in the future [end quote].
Turin, Georgia and Moreland Georgia are cities located in Coweta County, Georgia. Both of these cities are Moslem or what you would call Muurish/ Moorish in nature with names like Moreland and Turin (Turk). Speaking of Turks, we have the Turks of South Carolina, we have a Turkeytown, Alabama and we have a Turkey, Alabama. Alabama is even Arabic, since you have Allah in Alabama (Allah-ba-ma). Alabama and Georgia are sister states since they are neighboring states, and since they have virtually the same State Flag. You have over 500 Arabic place names of cities all over the Americas, which suggests that the Americas was in fact Moslem-Jerusalem:
In conclusion, family and friends, based upon all of the above facts and the authorities cited herein, the Rock of Gibraltar is stone Mountain Georgia (one of the Pillars of Hercules) while the Arabia Mountain is the other pillar of Hercules, which was called Monte Hacho or Jebel Musa by the Turks/ Moors. We also have a Gibraltar in Michigan, but it’s nothing like the Rock of Gibraltar in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Figure 27: map of Ethiopia in South America. This map is very significant because Ethiopia is the land of Cush and the Birthplace of Ancient Egypt. Yes, Ancient Egypt was also in the Americas. This map also shows you Cartago (Carthage) and Mauritania (the land of the Moors) in south America, so yes the Moors (Blacks) are indigenous to the Americas and the world.
Ancient Ethiopia
Figure 26: map showing you Ethiopia in South America. This map is very significant because Ethiopia is the land of Cush and the Birthplace of Ancient Egypt. Yes, Ancient Egypt was also in the Americas.
Ancient Ethiopia
Figure 25: Map showing South America as Ethiopia. This map is very significant because Ethiopia is the land of Cush and the Birthplace of Ancient Egypt. Yes, Ancient Egypt was also in the Americas.
The Tree of Life
Figure 24: Mount Roraima is the highest point in Guyana (Ghana). Mount Roraima is 9 miles long and 9222 feet tall. Mount Roraima sits director on the Equator of the Earth and is the source of three mighty rivers, one of which is the Amazon.
1595 Mercator Map of the North Pole
Old world 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North pole. Notice Mount Meru, which is the black magnetic mountain, aka, the Kaba, at the center in the lake, which is our magnetic North pole that aligns perfectly with the Pole Star or North Star.
1597 map of Hyperborea by Abraham Ortelius.
Old World 1597 map by Abraham Ortelius of Amsterdam, showing "Hyper Borei" (Hyperborea) in the Arctic North Pole. I believe this map is much older because the land is not divided yet. You can also see that Atlan (Atlantis) was in the American region on this map, which is another map that verifies that the Americas is Atlantis. Notice how the North pole was once a warm and lush area, because according to this map the North pole is not covered with ice; therefore, civilization could have come from the North in accordance with many myths.
1595 mercator Map of the North Pole shown as Eden and Meru
Old World 1595 Mercator map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see someone listed Eden and Meru right there. But why?Well, because the KJV Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see 4 rivers and the Black cube (the Kaba or the tree of life) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). What is the Swastika? Well, the Swastika is the clockwise rotation of the constellations around the Pole Star/North Star, which creates the electromagnetic energy that creates and sustains life.
The First Compass
This is the First Compass, aka, the original compass and as you can see the Far East is actually the West. Yes, they flipped the maps on us. This is copyrighted material so I claim Fair use for educational purposes. This image is from Buxton and Skinner Company's 1904 "Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904
India Superior
Old world map of India Superior in North America. I took this map from a book called, "The Journey of Coronado," by Castañeda de Nájera, Pedro de, 16th cent. The book cover displays the 1569 Mercator world map which shows India Superior being in North America. This is evidence that the Americas is the old world, because the Americas is the Orient (the East). Notice India Superior and La China on this old world map.
Asia Major
Map of Asia Major as North America - 1531, by Orontius Fine. Yes, North America was once India Superior (Asia), aka, the Orient (East).
America is the True Old World, volume II: The promised land, is now available in Paperback on author's site or on Amazon
Ethiopia: America is the True Old World, Vol. II – Paperback, is the ancient American history book that you all have been waiting on, since this book is destined to rewrite history with the discoveries contained within this book. This book comes complete with 9 chapters and with over 70 color illustrations to highlight the beauty and sophistication of the old world. This book is not your traditional history book; therefore, it is not for the faint hearted.
This ancient American history book is jam-packed with information and after reading this revolutionary history book, you will never look at history the same way again, because history is not how we know it. Could the East really be a reflection of the West? Is the West really the far East? This book will answer these questions for you and some more. If you love to think outside of the box, and are just fed up with the lies of traditional history books, this is your history book, and I assure you that you will love it.
America is the True Old World, vol. II – paperback, challenges the status quo with the discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, India Superior, Sumer, Cush, Ethiopia, Ancient Ghana, Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Mali, Timbuctoo, the Kingdom of Fez, Tripoli, Mecca, Morocco, Mauritania, ancient Arabia, Rome & Greece, the garden of Eden, cities of gold (Cibola and El Dorado), and so much more, all located in the Americas. Yes, all of the said places where all in the Americas, first, since America is the True Old World. If you have a friend or a family member with an open mind that loves to think outside the box, then get them this good read as a present. I am a firm believer that knowledge is the best gift, because you can do so much with knowledge. “Knowledge is power.” ~ Ole saying.
This history book also debunks the Transatlantic slave trade story, as being told to us in reverse, because the Americas has always been a Negro Continent, which means that it would have been a lot easier and cheaper just to enslave the copper-colored Native Americans (Blackamoors) that were already in the Americas way before Christopher Columbus.
Please get your paperback copy of “America is the True Old World, Vol. II: The Promised Land,” from the author’s site or from Amazon: Embedded in this blog post is a promotional YouTube video for my new book, America is the True Old World, Vol. II. Please enjoy this video book sample and also the written book sample in this post below.
America is the True Old World, Vol. II – Paperback: Book Sample:
The term Ethiopian in ancient times did not just refer to just a region of people in Ethiopia, Africa. The term Ethiopian applied to anyone with dark or burnt (Black) skin. According to the book, “Lost Tribes and Promised Lands,” by Ronald Sanders, “But Ethiopian served to designate color before it came to be applied to a region; the Greek Aithiops, from which it is derived, literally meant Burnt Face and referred to any person of black complexion, whatever his place of origin. Homer said of the Ethiopians that they live at the ends of the Earth, some near the Sunrise, some near the sunset. In latter antiquity the world tended to become restricted to Black Africans, meaning either any Negro or someone specially from Ethiopia. The Biblical terms Cush and Cushi, which may have been specifically geographical designations from the outset, came to be translated Ethiopia and Ethiopian respectively, and the ambiguity was thereby reinforced.” [end quote]. This quote suggests that all so-called Black people or Negroes are Ethiopians.
I already hint at lower Ethiopia being in North America at the Arctic North Pole, aka, Mu/Meru/Meri/Mary (Mother Mary), in my previous book, “America is the True Old World,” when I demonstrated in Chapter II of that book that the Americas was India Superior (Asia Major); because the Arctic North Pole was the mythical Garden of Eden, and hence, Lower Cush or Lower Ethiopia as a result, because the Cushite’s were Ethiopians. I will further expound upon this information, so that there is no doubt that Ethiopia was in the Americas.
Civilization came from India Superior, which was in North America (see Figures 11, and 12). Yes, North America was once Asia, aka, the Orient (East), aka India Superior. In this chapter is an old-world map by Orontius Finaeus from 1531 and a 1548 Spanish World map showing you India superior (Asia Major) and China being in North America, which is the true Orient or the far East. “The Orient is a term for the East”:
I did a blog post, “The Old World is the New World,” which demonstrates that the Americas is Asia Major and I gave an image of the original compass that shows you that the Far East was actually our modern-day West (see Figure 13: the Original Compass). This blog post and Figure 13 proves that they flipped the maps on us, because the Americas is the True old World:
In my previous book, “America is the True Old World,” Volume I, and in the blog link I just shared above, I demonstrated that India is the oldest civilization and that Atlantis was a colony of India. However, little do we know that Ethiopia was also a colony of India according to the book, “Wonderful Ethiopians of the ancient Cushite Empire:” Chapter XV – The Civilization of India, “It is a common error to suppose that the tribes that the Aryan invaders found were savages. Ancient annals represented the Cushite Indi as wise and skillful. Heeren said that these writings represented the early Hindu as a commercial people, that their merchants could travel from one of the Nile flowing through Barabra (Ethiopia) and the mountains of the Moon.
Even the name Hindu is Ethiopian. Ancient records of authority made Hind and Sind sons of Cush. Philostratus. in Vit. Apollon (Lib. II), says, “The Indi are the wisest of mankind. The Ethiopians are a colony of them, and they inherit the wisdom of their fathers.” The separation of India from the parent Cushite stock was in ages long before the rise of the so-called Aryans in India. The older Greeks always associated the sacred waves of the Indian Sea with the wonderful Ethiopians. Ephorus stated that they occupied all the southern coasts of Asia and Africa. As in Chaldea they brought to the aboriginal tribes of India the knowledge of metals to take the place of stone implements, they brought the knowledge of the arts. Their funeral remains all over India reveal the stone circles and upright massive menhirs of North Africa. They understood in those far distant ages how to make hard earthenware, iron weapons and ornaments of gold. Today in a state of degenerated art, Sind is the only province where the potters craft is artistic. Before Megathenes, a Greek ambassador to the court of the non-Aryan Chandra Gupta, about 300 B. C., the Greeks mentioned as Indi only the Cushites of the areas between the Hindu Kush and Persia. The name India means black, and Condor thinks that it was employed only to designate the home of the Asiatic Ethiopians.” [End quote from:].
The fact that the West is the far East is significant, because it is well-established that the East is the Old World, according to Western academics. The original compass (see figure 13) suggests that the so-called West is the Old World. The East (West) is also the location of the Biblical Garden of Eden or the Hesperides, according to learned theologians. “St. Isidore, Bede, Strabo, and Scotus, and all the learned theologians, agree that the earthly paradise is in the East.” [end quote from “The Select letters of Christopher Columbus – Third Voyage of Columbus”].
Central America was described as the Hesperides, according to the book, “Prehistoric Structures of Central America who Erected them,” by Martin Ingham Townsend, “The Soil, climate and productions of the Peninsula of Yucatan, and that part of Mexico and Guatemala where these prehistoric remains are found, are precisely what are described by the European writers who speak of the beauty, the loveliness and the grandeur of the Hesperides (the West) and the homes founded by Eastern adventures beyond the Western Ocean.” [end quote].
The Hesperides means the Garden of the Hesperides, aka, the Garden of Eden. Hesperides also means the West and the evening star (Venus: love). The meaning of the Hesperides suggests that the Garden of Eden was in the West (the Americas), which is the Far East (see Figure 13). More evidence that the Garden of Eden or the Garden of the Hesperides is in the Americas is the book, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, by Ignatius Donnelly, “That it [America] was the true Antediluvian World: The Garden of Eden; the Garden of the Hesperides; the Elysian Fields.”[end quote].
According to “Prehistoric Structures of Central America who Erected them, by Martin Ingham Townsend, “Let us look for a moment at some of the things which the Ancient Greek and Latin authors have said indicating their knowledge of the existence of a Western Continent. Crates, a commentator on Homer, is quoted by authority of Strabo, a very learned author of the century before Christ, as saying that Homer means in his account of the Western Ethiopians the inhabitants of Atlantis or the Hesperides, as the unknown world of the West was variously called.”[end quote].
More proof that the Americas (Atlantis) is the Garden of Eden is the book, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian world,” by Ignatius Donnelly, “Atlantis is the Garden of Eden.” Also, if you have read Volume I of my book, “America is the True Old World,” by Amunhotep El-Bey, you know that the Americas is Atlantis and the true Old World. If you have not read volume I of my book, I did a blog post that will brief you on this topic, entitled, “The Americas is Atlantis and the Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization”:
In addition, according to the book, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian world, by Ignatius Donnelly, “The Pyramid. – Not only are the cross and the Garden of Eden identified with Atlantis, but in Atlantis, the habitation of the gods, we find the original model of all these pyramids which extend from India to Peru.” [end quote]. I must note that North America (Asia Major/ India Superior) by itself has more pyramids than all of Africa combined. Now, if we include all the Americas (North, South, and Central) then it is not a contest anymore as far as who has the most pyramids. I presented this evidence already in Volume I of my book, “America is the True Old World, however, my book sample will prove my point that the Americas is Atlantis because it is way more pyramids (the symbol of Atlantis) in the Americas than in Africa:
More evidence that the Americas is the Garden of Eden (Atlantis) is the fact that Mount Meru/MU (see figure 14) is the Emblem of the Garden of Eden, according to the book, “Atlantis: the Antediluvian world,” by Ignatius Donnelly, “in the great ditch surrounding the whole land like a circle, and into which streams flowed down from the mountains, we probably see the original of the four rivers of paradise, and the emblem of the cross surrounded by a Circle, which, as we will show hereafter, was, from the earliest pre-Christian ages, accepted as the emblem of the Garden of Eden.” [end quote]. Yes, according to figures 14 and 16, because these images fit the description of the Garden of Eden, perfectly, therefore, the Artic North pole (Mount Meru) was indeed the Garden of Eden or the Garden of the Hesperides.
All life and civilization came from the uppermost region of India Superior (Asia Major), which is the Artic North pole, aka, Mount Meru/ Meri/ Mary/ MU/ MR (Goddess Danu/ Anu); which is the mythical Garden of Eden (see figure 14), Hyperborea (see figure 15), and the Garden of the Hesperides. “It is in the mythical that we have the truth” ~ Greek proverb. Genesis of the KJV Bible, 2:10–14, lists four rivers in association with the garden of Eden: Pishon, Gihon, Chidekel (the Tigris), and Phirat (the Euphrates). It also refers to the land of Cush—translated/interpreted as Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a Greek word which means burnt face or sun darken people, aka, Blacks/Negroes.
“Ethiopia and India were often confused,” [one and the same] according to the book “The Medieval Empire of the Israelites,” by Robert Grishin. This makes sense when you factor into account that the Swastika [symbol of Brahma/Abraham], which means Black spirit, was the chief religious’ symbol in Ancient Ethiopia and in India. “With regard to the Ethiopians, Strabo indicates that they looked similar to Indians, remarking “those who are in Asia (South India), and those who are in Africa, do not differ from each other.”[10] Turner, Sharon (1834). The Sacred History of the World, as Displayed in the Creation and Subsequent Events to the Deluge: Attempted to be Philosophically Considered, in a Series of Letters to a Son, Volume 2. Longman. pp. 480–482. Retrieved 20 January 2015. [end quote from]. This makes sense because the Americas was once India Superior, and it is already firmly established that so-called Black people were your first people. You can tell by looking at figures 14-16 that the MU/ Motherland (Mary) region used to be a warm and lush region, so yes, civilization could have started from the North, in accordance with so many myths.
Figure 14 is an unknown map of the Arctic North Pole, and as you can see the Garden of Eden and Mount Meru right there. The Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see 4 rivers and the Black magnetic cube (the Kaba: Mecca) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden (see figure 14 and Figure 16).
The Garden of Eden is associated with the land of Kush/Cush in Ethiopia. Now, that we know that Lower Ethiopia was in North America, where is the corresponding upper Ethiopia? I say corresponding because of duality (opposites), which is a fact in nature. The law of correspondence (As above so below) suggests that there must be another Garden of Eden in the Americas.
Mount Roraima in South America, near the highest point of Guyana (Ghana), gives us a clue as to where is the upper Garden of Eden, because according to Native legend it was once a mighty tree that reached all the way into the heavens and it produced every fruit and vegetable in the world. Legends says that when this tree was cut down it caused the great flood.
There is evidence of giant trees that once reached all the way up into the heavens. The Bible speaks of these giant trees: Daniel 4:11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth; Ezekiel 31:3 Behold, Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches and forest shade, and of towering height, its top among the clouds; and Psalms 80:10 The mountains were covered with its shadow, And the cedars of God with its boughs.
In this Chapter is evidence of one of those giant trees called Mount Roraima, aka, “The Tree of life” (see figure 24). Mount Roraima is 9 miles long and 9222 feet tall, now, this is a huge tree! Mount Roraima is the source of three mighty rivers, one of which is the amazon river. Figure 24 shows you four waterfalls coming from the top of Mount Roraima, which are the source of three rivers. When Christopher Columbus came to the New World he was also in search of the Garden of Eden. When he saw Mount Roraima he knew that he had found his paradise, because this mighty tree stump puts out so much fresh clean water (life) that it had to be the mythical TREE OF LIFE and this tree is also positioned at the Center of the world, just like the Garden of Eden is/was. Mount Roraima sits right on the Equator of the Earth.
Here is a description from Christopher Columbus of the Orinoco River in South America: “The river, he was persuaded, must be rushing down from the summit of the earth, where the lord had planted the earthly paradise, in the midst whereof was a fountain whence flowed the four great rivers of the world.”[End quote from the book, “Narrative and Critical History of America, edited by Justin Winsor]. The river rushing down the Summit that Christopher Columbus was referring to is Mount Roraima because it has fresh water rushing down from its summit and it is the source of three mighty rivers (see figure 24).
Here is a description from Christopher Columbus of Mount Roraima in South America: “The approach to it from a distance must be by a constant and gradual ascent; but I believe that, as I have already said, no one could ever reach the top; I think also, that the water I have described may proceed from it, though it be far off, and that stopping at the place which I have just left, it forms this lake. There are great indications of this being the terrestrial paradise, for its site coincides with the opinion of the Holy and wise theologians whom I have mentioned; and moreover, the other evidences agree with the supposition, for I have never either read or heard of fresh water coming in so large a quantity. I think that if the river mentioned does not proceed from the Terrestrial paradise, it comes from an immense tract of land situated in the South, of which no knowledge has been hitherto obtained. But the more I reason on the subject, the more satisfied I become that the terrestrial paradise is situated in the spot I have described.” [End quote from, “Select Letters of Christopher Columbus” – third Voyage of Columbus].
A tree this size puts out a lot of Oxygen, which makes it very possible to have giant-sized everything because the oxygen level of the Earth was so high, back in those days. The Jurassic era is a time when everything was giant-sized, so why is it so hard for people to believe in giant-sized people and the giant trees that supplied the oxygen?
Mount Roraima is not the only flat top mountain in this area either because there are many of flat top mountains (trees) in this area and there are many all around the world. One of our ancient names as a people was, “The Tree people.” We used to be able to go up to these trees and touch them and naturally download all the world’s knowledge.
Additional evidence that Upper Ethiopia was in South Americas is the three maps (see figures 25-27) in this chapter that shows you that Ethiopia was in South America. Are these maps correct? Can we trust these maps? Yes, because according to the Bible and Common law the testimony of two or more witnesses is truth. I have provided 3 maps that Interlock with each other. Interlocking testimony is when the witnesses say the same thing.
Sure, we can fight with these maps because we have 3 witnesses (maps) that said the same thing; however, let us take it a set further by summarizing all of the evidence to prove that the Americas was Ancient Ethiopia: (1.) Punt, the birthplace of Ethiopia and Egypt, was in South America (see blog post: “Ancient Punt was in South America”: ); (2.) the Garden of Eden was in the Americas, which is heavily associated with Ethiopia; (3) Ancient Scholars mention the Western Ethiopians in literature; (4) Ancient Ethiopia is associated with being in the East (see Figure 13); and (5) three maps that demonstrate that Ethiopia was in the Americas. Based upon all the evidence, Ancient Ethiopia was in the Americas.
America is the True Old World, volume II (Ebook) is jam-packed with information and after reading this revolutionary history book, you will never look at history the same way again, because history is not how we know it. Could the East really be a reflection of the West? Is the West really the far East? This book will answer these questions for you and some more. If you love to think outside of the box, and are just fed up with the lies of traditional history books, this is your history book, and I assure you that you will love it. America is the True Old World, vol. II, challenges the status quo with the discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, India Superior, Sumer, Cush, Ethiopia, Ancient Ghana, Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Mali, Timbuctoo, the Kingdom of Fez, Tripoli, Mecca, Morocco, Mauritania, ancient Arabia, Rome & Greece, the garden of Eden, cities of gold (Cibola and El Dorado), and so much more, all located in the Americas. Yes, all of the said places where all in the Americas, first, since America is the True Old World. If you have a friend or a family member with an open mind that loves to think outside the box, then get them this good read as a present. I am a firm believer that knowledge is the best gift, because you can do so much with knowledge. “Knowledge is power.” ~ Ole saying. This history book also debunks the Transatlantic slave trade story, as being told to us in reverse, because the Americas has always been a Negro Continent, which means that it would have been a lot easier and cheaper just to enslave the copper-colored Native Americans (Blackamoors) that were already in the Americas way before Christopher columbus.
This is a closeup view of the 1904 ground map of the Louisiana Purchase. this map shows you Morocco, Illinois and Jerusalem all within close proximity with each other. This image is from Buxton and Skinner Company's 1904 "Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904.
This image is from Buxton and Skinner Company's 1904 "Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO. This map shows you a modern-day industry built around Morocco, Illinois and Jerusalem. This map also shows you the original compass before it was flipped to deceive the world.
The real Statue of Liberty
This is the original Statue of Liberty, aka, Lady Liberty. Yes family and friends, the Statue of Liberty was originally the image of a Moorish (black) muslim woman.
The First Compass
This is the First Compass, aka, the original compass and as you can see the Far East is actually the West. Yes, they flipped the maps on us. This is copyrighted material so I claim Fair use for educational purposes. This image is from Buxton and Skinner Company's 1904 "Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904
India Superior
Old world map of India Superior in North America. I took this map from a book called, "The Journey of Coronado," by Castañeda de Nájera, Pedro de, 16th cent. The book cover displays the 1569 Mercator world map which shows India Superior being in North America. This is evidence that the Americas is the old world, because the Americas is the Orient (the East). Notice India Superior and La China on this old world map.
Asia Major
Map of Asia Major as North America - 1531, by Orontius Fine. Yes, North America was once India Superior (Asia), aka, the Orient (East).
America is the True Old World, volume II, (Ebook) is destined to rewrite history with the discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, India, Sumer, Cush, Ethiopia, Timbuctoo, Mauritania, Arabia, Rome & Greece, and so much more, all discovered in the Americas. This is not your traditional history book, so this book is not for the faint hearted.
America is the True Old World, Volume II (Ebook), is the ancient American history book that you all have been waiting on, since this book is destined to rewrite history with the discoveries contained within this book. This book comes complete with 9 chapters and with over 70 color illustrations to highlight the beauty and sophistication of the old world. This book is not your traditional history book; therefore, it is not for the faint hearted.
This book is jam-packed with information and after reading this revolutionary history book, you will never look at history the same way again, because history is not how we know it. Could the East really be a reflection of the West? Is the West really the far East? This book will answer these questions for you and some more. If you love to think outside of the box, and are just fed up with the lies of traditional history books, this is your history book, and I assure you that you will love it.
America is the True Old World, volume II, challenges the status quo with the discoveries of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, India Superior, Sumer, Cush, Ethiopia, Ancient Ghana, Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Mali, Timbuctoo, the Kingdom of Fez, Tripoli, Mecca, Morocco, Mauritania, ancient Arabia, Rome & Greece, the garden of Eden, cities of gold (Cibola and El Dorado), and so much more, all located in the Americas. Yes, all of the said places where all in the Americas, first, since America is the True Old World. If you have a friend or a family member with an open mind that loves to think outside the box, then get them this good read as a present. I am a firm believer that knowledge is the best gift, because you can do so much with knowledge. “Knowledge is power.” ~ Ole saying.
This history book also debunks the Transatlantic slave trade story, as being told to us in reverse, because the Americas has always been a Negro Continent, which means that it would have been a lot easier and cheaper just to enslave the copper-colored Native Americans (Blackamoors) that were already in the Americas way before Christopher columbus.
Islam and the Muur comes from the Orient (East):
Islam was in the Americas and had a big influence on the Americas, because you have a total of 565 names, 484 in America and 81 in Canada, of villages, towns, cities, mountains, lakes, rivers and etcetera, are etymologically Arabic; which were designated by locals long before the arrival of Columbus. Many of these names are in fact the same as names of Islamic places; Mecca in Indiana, Mecca in California, Alhambra in California, Medina in Idaho, Medina in New York, Medina and Hazen in North Dakota, Medina in Ohio, Medina in Tennessee, Medina in Texas, Medina and Arva in Ontario, Mahomet in Illinois, and Mona in Utah, are just a few noticeable names at the outset. A closer analysis of the names of native tribes will immediately reveal their Arabic etymological ancestry; Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohician, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, and Zuni are only a few.
Yes, Islam was everywhere in the Americas. One just has to look for it, because you can see the evidence from Queen Califia (California), to Allah-Bumya (Alabama), to Tallah-hasse (Tallahassee), to Medina Ohio, to Moorestown New Jersey, to Islamorada Florida, Mecca California, and to Al-hambra California; so yes, Moslems have left a big impact on America. But where does Islam come from? Did it come from Mecca California, Media Indiana, Mecca Indiana, or Morocco Indiana?
Islam comes from Sufism (Sophia), which was a science that comes from India. Do all religions come from India Superior (the Americas)? Yes, because India is the oldest Civilization: (NOTE: the video I just shared from “Liftingtheveil,” on YouTube is about India being the oldest civilization is correct, but the video failed to specify that it was the Mayan Indians (INDIA), aka, the Maya-Nagas, and not the Indians from Hindustan/ India, that actually civilized the world). If you are a reader of my blog, “The Old World is the New World,” or my book, “America is the True Old World,” you have already read that the Americas is the Orient or the far East (see blog images), aka, Asia Major, or India Superior; and we know that America is the True old world, which means that all civilization as to be created to the Americas, including religions like Islam, since the Americas is the far East. The Garden of Eden is associated with the East, because Scholars associate the East with the Old World, but is America really the far East?:
Additionally, a researcher made a video that suggest that the Holy City of Mecca is in the wrong place. The name of the video is called, “The Sacred city of Mecca: Have we got it all wrong?” You can watch it on Youtube at: I agree with the video since the Americas is the Orient (the East). What is also interesting is that “Oriental means Western Scholar who Studies Islam,” according to the book, “Orientalism,” by Edward Said. Yes, based upon the evidence Islam came from the Orient:
What happen to the Berbers/Saracens (Moslems) of the Americas? Well, have you ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition, via, the Dum Diversas of 1452, issued by the Pope, authorizing Christians to enslave Saracens and non-believers and to take their lands, because no one disappeared? It is just that everyone has become ignorant. There are over 500 cities and towns in UNITED STATES named after Muslims and a huge part of Europe as well. The textbooks, History (His-Story), and education of today are all manipulated; therefore, Western Academics will not get us out of our deep sleep, because Western Academics is the Institution that has put WE THE PEOPLE to sleep to begin with. We need our own Institutions and scholars that are not compromised by Oaths and by Western Academics.
Lower Mauritania was in North America:
There is no doubt that the Americas was a Moslem (Muslim) Nation that was overthrown in the name of Christ, using Christianity as a tool to get what they had wanted, which was land and resources. We hate to blame Christianity for the invasion of the Americans, so people blame Moslems or Moors for the invasion, because the media and society has conditioned most people to hate Islam and all things associated with Islam, like Muurs/ Moors for an example. Due to this conditioning it is necessary to understand the true meaning of the term Muur/ Moor. Please read my previous blog, “The True Meaning and Origin of the Term Moor Found in Ancient Times.” In this blog, I demonstrated that the Americas was indeed a Moselm/ Muslim nation:
We need to get out of our feelings and understand that Muur/ Moor is the ancient and proper way of calling someone with dark skin, Black. Moors were blackamoor people of all faiths and customs, and not just Islam! There are also two sets of Moors. The Moor spelled with the double O are the Moors from Europe and Africa. The Moor spelled with the Mu’ur are the Moors from Mu/Atlantis, aka, Lemuria (the Americas). Keep in mind that you have the Title Moor/Mu/Mer/Maur/Meru/Meri in the Word America. For Example, Amaur-ka, (T)a-mer-Inca (America), Amen-Ra-Ka, Al Morocco (Al-mer-Ra-Ka), Al-Mauri-khan (American) Ameru-Ka, Amexem (Mexico), etc. Etymology is a powerful true science.
Based upon Etymology, one of the names of America was Almorocco, which means the farthest most West, and the land of the Muurs, or the land of the gods. North America is a continent that is the farthest most West. Al-Morocco, the West, is an ancient name for America. This was not the only name for America, but it did exist as you can see.
In this blog post is the original statue of Liberty. Yes, family and friends the original symbol of America was actually a Muurish (black) Moslem woman: Why Muslim, well because America was founded on Islam, it was the Muurs who had taught Europeans government. This is why elite Europeans call themselves Shriners, aka, Moslem sons, and wear the Muurish Fez in secret. All the so-called founder fathers of the Country had a Holy Quran and it was Morocco, Indiana that first recognized the UNITED STATES as a nation.
Additionally, the Barbary Treaties of 1786-1836 between US and the Barbary state, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1786/1836 between Morocco and the US, and House Resolution 75, read April 17, 1933, page 5759, demonstrates the Moor/Muur presence right here in America. All the said treaties are treaties of the US and are the Supreme Law of the land per Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. The said treaties demonstrate the existence of the Mahometan (Mohammedan) Nation right here in America, formerly known, as Al-Morocco, aka, the North Gate. This country was not founded on Christianity, per the Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11: “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” . This country was founded on the science of ISLAM, because the Olmec Muurs from Mu/Mount Meru (mother Mary) were the first ones in Americas (see Olmecs and also see Washitaw Mu’urs) and they brought the science of I.S.L.A.M (Sufism/ Masonry) along with them.
There was an indigenous tribe of Moors in America called the Ben Ishmael Tribe. Their territory was Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and etc. These Muurs were the corn and wheat barons of the old world and this tribe was the Islamic equivalent to the Tribe of Israel, which makes sense because the Americas is Moslem-Jerusalem (Granada land):
This tribe was originally from Pennsylvania, because the capital for the Washitaw/ Lenapi Empire use to be in Philadelphia, but was later moved to Morocco, Indiana. Morocco, Indiana is the Morocco that first recognized the UNITED STATES by Sultan Mohammed Ben Abdallah, on 20 December 1777; because the Morocco in North Africa wasn’t established until 1956, therefore, the Morocco that first recognized the US in 1777 as a Nation, couldn’t have been the Morocco that was established in North Africa in 1956, because the 1956 Morocco was not around in 1777. The Morocco that it is referring to is Al-Morocco, which means the farthest most West. North America is a continent that is the farthest most West. Al-Morocco, the North Gate, aka, is an ancient Name for America. Please, read more about the Ben Ishmael Tribe here:
The Morocco in North Africa wasn’t established officially until 1956, therefore, the Morocco that first recognized the US in 1777 as a Nation, couldn’t have been the Morocco that was established in North Africa in 1956, because the 1956 Morocco was not around in 1777. The Morocco that it is referring to is Morocco, Indiana (India) and/or Morocco, Illinois (see 1904 map), both of which were major trading hubs due to their connection to the Mississippi River and the great lakes and due to the other industries built around them; making them both centers of commerce and learning, as the 1904 map illustrates a thriving modern industry built around Morocco and Jerusalem.
The 1904 map is from Buxton and Skinner Company’s 1904 “Ground plan of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO, 1904,” which shows you Morocco Illinois and Jerusalem, located in the heartland of North America (Asia Major). This map is a World’s Fair exhibit. This world’s fair was in St. Louis. The Louisiana purchase was land that was stolen from the Washitaw Muurs, aka, the Mound Builders:
Here is a video of the Saint Louis World’s fair by researcher Jon Levi called, “The Inheritors of Cities,” just so you can get a glimpse of how this lower Mauritania, Arabia, Egypt area looked like: . The world’s fair that they had all over the world in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was their excuse they had used to explain away all the fabulous Gothic and Greco-Roman architecture that the Muurs had built before the great comet of 1811, caused a great mud-flood. It’s no way those were just temporary buildings just for show and it’s no way Europeans could have built them during the 1890’s, which means these buildings were built by a people (the Tartarians or Muurs) before the 1811-1812 cataclysmic event.
The heartland of America was lower Ancient Mauritania, lower Egypt, Greece, and ancient Arabia & the Middle East because of place names like Morocco, Indiana; Morocco, Illinois; Mecca, Indiana; Mahomet, Illinois; Makanda (Wakanda), Illinois; Wauconda, Illinois; Cairo, Illinois; Paris Indiana; Medina, Idaho; Medina, Ohio; Medina, Tennessee; Metropolis, Illinois; Thebes, Illinois; Dongola, Illinois; Palestine, Illinois; Lebanon, Illinois; New Athens, Illinois; Sparta, Illinois; Karnak, Illinois; Alexandria, Ohio; Memphis, Tennessee; Tanis Crescent; Tripoli, Wisconsin; New Madrid, Missouri; Mecca, Missouri; Gibraltar, Michigan; and etc.).
To prove the above paragraph as factual. I will use an example as if I was talking to a friend explaining to them our travel plans: “When we arrive in lower Egypt (North America), before we get to Lower Mauritania (mostly the Chicago and Indiana region) we go through Alexandria city in Egypt (Alexandria in Ohio) by Libya (Tripoli, Wisconsin) to our destination in Memphis Egypt (Memphis, TN). Now, on our way back home to the land of Canaan (Canada) we will stop by the river Tanis (Tanis Crescent, Ontario).” Amazing, how all these places are on both sides of the Planet, East and West, because the near East is just a reflection or a copy of the Americas, the Orient (East), and the True Old World. [Credit for the Alexandria, Ohio and Tanis Crescent research goes to my friend Tram Dickenson El].
Chicago, Illinois was another Mecca:
Chicago, Illinois was another Mecca [Mecca, Missouri; Mecca, Indiana; and Mecca, California], because it was the center of commerce and learning for the heartland of America. The immaculate Gothic and Greco-Roman Architecture once in Chicago suggest that it was the center or source (Mecca) of commerce and learning. Yes, pre-mud flood (1811-1812), Chicago would put the Vatican (Vedic Khan) City in Rome to shame with the beauty and sophistication of the Gothic and Greco-Roman Architecture that was once there. Goggle the 1893 Chicago’s World fair. Better yet here is a video about the 1893 Chicago’s World Fair in coloring: The World’s Fair of the World is where they put all of the Tartarian technology and buildings on displayed before they destroyed them to hide the previous advanced civilization of Berber Indians, aka, Blackamoors (Tartarians), because the fabulous buildings and tech did not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world.
The interesting thing about Illinois is that it was named after the Illini Tribe, which was part of the Illinois confederation. The Illinois confederation was composed of 12-13 Tribes. Illini means, “Best People,” or “Tribe of Superior Men,” this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. Yes, the Muurs were the first illuminated ones.
Please read more and support my research efforts by purchasing the ebook, “America is the True old World, Volume II,” for only $20.00 US dollars at this site. I thank you all for your time and support, and may God bless you and yours. Peace.